path: root/eclass
diff options
authorAndrey Kislyuk <>2010-01-16 18:48:39 +0000
committerAndrey Kislyuk <>2010-01-16 18:48:39 +0000
commit12662ba2f3a7434f0bafb5b7c76f449e8ddf2e03 (patch)
tree0ed1ab66ff8c8863fa6abb052c747b8252232652 /eclass
parentRestore note in pkg_postinst that Emacs needs fonts, bug 137598. (diff)
Import from java-experimental
Diffstat (limited to 'eclass')
2 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eclass/java-mvn-src.eclass b/eclass/java-mvn-src.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fa37a9ccaad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/java-mvn-src.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Eclass for Java packages from bare sources exported by Maven
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Gentoo Foundation
+# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/java-mvn-src.eclass,v 1.1 2010/01/16 18:48:39 weaver Exp $
+inherit java-pkg-simple
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @eclass-begin
+# @eclass-summary Eclass for Java packages from bare sources exported by Maven
+# This class is intended to build pure Java packages from the sources exported
+# from the source:jar goal of Maven 2. These archives contain bare Java source
+# files, with no build instructions or additional resource files. They are
+# unsuitable for packages that require resources besides compiled class files.
+# The benefit is that for artifacts developed with Maven, these source files
+# are often released together with binary packages, whereas the full build
+# environment might be contained in some revision control system or not
+# available at all.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @variable-external GROUP_ID
+# @variable-default ${PN}
+# The groupId of the artifact, in dotted notation.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+: ${GROUP_ID:=${PN}}
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @variable-external ARTIFACT_ID
+# @variable-default ${PN}
+# The artifactId of the artifact.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+: ${ARTIFACT_ID:=${PN}}
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @variable-external MAVEN2_REPOSITORIES
+# @variable-default
+# The repositories to search for the artifacts. Must follow Maven2 layout.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @variable-internal RELATIVE_SRC_URI
+# The path of the source artifact relative to the root of the repository.
+# Will be set by the eclass to follow Maven 2 repository layout.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Look for source jar in all listed repositories
+for repo in ${MAVEN2_REPOSITORIES}; do
+unset repo
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @eclass-end
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/eclass/java-pkg-simple.eclass b/eclass/java-pkg-simple.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aea850e07957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/java-pkg-simple.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# Eclass for simple bare-source Java packages
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Gentoo Foundation
+# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/java-pkg-simple.eclass,v 1.1 2010/01/16 18:48:39 weaver Exp $
+inherit java-utils-2
+if ! hasq java-pkg-2 ${INHERITED}; then
+ eerror "java-pkg-simple eclass can only be inherited AFTER java-pkg-2"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @eclass-begin
+# @eclass-summary Eclass for Java sources without build instructions
+# This class is intended to build pure Java packages from Java sources
+# without the use of any build instructions shipped with the sources.
+# There is no support for resources besides the generated class files,
+# or for generating source files, or for controlling the META-INF of
+# the resulting jar, although these issues may be addressed by an
+# ebuild by putting corresponding files into the target directory
+# before calling the src_compile function of this eclass.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_compile src_install
+# We are only interested in finding all java source files, wherever they may be.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @variable-external JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH
+# @variable-default ""
+# Comma or space separated list of java packages to include in the
+# class path. The packages will also be registered as runtime
+# dependencies of this new package. Dependencies will be calculated
+# transitively. See "java-config -l" for appropriate package names.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @variable-external JAVA_CLASSPATH_EXTRA
+# @variable-default ""
+# Extra list of colon separated path elements to be put on the
+# classpath when compiling sources.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @variable-external JAVA_SRC_DIR
+# @variable-default ""
+# Directories relative to ${S} which contain the sources of the
+# application. The default of "" will be treated mostly as ${S}
+# itself. For the generated source package (if source is listed in
+# ${JAVA_PKG_IUSE}), it is important that these directories are
+# actually the roots of the corresponding source trees.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @variable-external JAVA_ENCODING
+# @variable-default UTF-8
+# The character encoding used in the source files
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @variable-external JAVAC_ARGS
+# @variable-default ""
+# Additional arguments to be passed to javac
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @variable-external JAVADOC_ARGS
+# @variable-default ""
+# Additional arguments to be passed to javadoc
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @eclass-src_compile
+# src_compile for simple bare source java packages. Finds all *.java
+# sources in ${JAVA_SRC_DIR}, compiles them with the classpath
+# calculated from ${JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH}, and packages the resulting
+# classes to ${PN}.jar.
+# variables:
+# JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH - list java packages to put on the classpath.
+# JAVA_ENCODING - encoding of source files, used by javac and javadoc
+# JAVA_SRC_DIR - directories containing source files, relative to ${S}
+# JAVAC_ARGS - additional arguments to be passed to javac
+# JAVADOC_ARGS - additional arguments to be passed to javadoc
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+java-pkg-simple_src_compile() {
+ local sources=sources.lst classes=target/classes apidoc=target/api
+ # QA checks
+ [[ "$(find . -name build.xml -o -name pom.xml)" ]] &&
+ java-pkg_announce-qa-violation "Package ships with a build file, use that instead of java-pkg-simple!"
+ # gather sources
+ find ${JAVA_SRC_DIR:-*} -name \*.java > ${sources}
+ mkdir -p ${classes} || die "Could not create target directory"
+ # compile
+ local classpath="${JAVA_CLASSPATH_EXTRA}" dependency
+ for dependency in ${JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH}; do
+ classpath="${classpath}:$(java-pkg_getjars ${dependency})" \
+ || die "getjars failed for ${dependency}"
+ done
+ while [[ $classpath = *::* ]]; do classpath="${classpath//::/:}"; done
+ classpath=${classpath%:}
+ classpath=${classpath#:}
+ debug-print "CLASSPATH=${classpath}"
+ java-pkg-simple_verbose-cmd \
+ ejavac -d ${classes} -encoding ${JAVA_ENCODING} \
+ ${classpath:+-classpath ${classpath}} ${JAVAC_ARGS} \
+ @${sources}
+ # javadoc
+ if hasq doc ${JAVA_PKG_IUSE} && use doc; then
+ mkdir -p ${apidoc}
+ java-pkg-simple_verbose-cmd \
+ javadoc -d ${apidoc} \
+ -encoding ${JAVA_ENCODING} -docencoding UTF-8 -charset UTF-8 \
+ ${classpath:+-classpath ${classpath}} ${JAVADOC_ARGS:- -quiet} \
+ @${sources} || die "javadoc failed"
+ fi
+ # package
+ local jar_args="cf ${PN}.jar"
+ if [[ -e ${classes}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ]]; then
+ jar_args="cfm ${PN}.jar ${classes}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
+ fi
+ java-pkg-simple_verbose-cmd \
+ jar ${jar_args} -C ${classes} . || die "jar failed"
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @eclass-src_install
+# src_install for simple single jar java packages. Simply packages the
+# contents from the target directory and installs it as ${PN}.jar. If
+# the file target/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF exists, it is used as the
+# manifest of the created jar.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+java-pkg-simple_src_install() {
+ local sources=sources.lst classes=target/classes apidoc=target/api
+ # main jar
+ java-pkg-simple_verbose-cmd \
+ java-pkg_dojar ${PN}.jar
+ # javadoc
+ if hasq doc ${JAVA_PKG_IUSE} && use doc; then
+ java-pkg-simple_verbose-cmd \
+ java-pkg_dojavadoc ${apidoc}
+ fi
+ # dosrc
+ if hasq source ${JAVA_PKG_IUSE} && use source; then
+ local srcdirs=""
+ if [[ ${JAVA_SRC_DIR} ]]; then
+ local parent child
+ for parent in ${JAVA_SRC_DIR}; do
+ for child in ${parent}/*; do
+ srcdirs="${srcdirs} ${child}"
+ done
+ done
+ else
+ # take all directories actually containing any sources
+ srcdirs="$(cut -d/ -f1 ${sources} | sort -u)"
+ fi
+ java-pkg-simple_verbose-cmd \
+ java-pkg_dosrc ${srcdirs}
+ fi
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @internal-function java-pkg-simple_verbose-cmd
+# Print a command before executing it. To give user some feedback
+# about what is going on, where the time is being spent, and also to
+# help debugging ebuilds.
+# @param $@ - command to be called and its arguments
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+java-pkg-simple_verbose-cmd() {
+ echo "$*"
+ "$@"
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @eclass-end
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------