import os, copy, re import portage_const import sys #has a few daft sys.exit import portage_util, portage_versions, portage_dep from portage_util import getconfig, grabfile, grab_multiple, grabfile_package, grabdict, writemsg, grabdict_package, \ abssymlink, flatten from portage_file import listdir from portage_data import portage_gid class config: def clone(self, clone): self.incrementals = copy.deepcopy(clone.incrementals) self.profile_path = copy.deepcopy(clone.profile_path) self.module_priority = copy.deepcopy(clone.module_priority) self.modules = copy.deepcopy(clone.modules) self.depcachedir = copy.deepcopy(clone.depcachedir) self.packages = copy.deepcopy(clone.packages) self.virtuals = copy.deepcopy(clone.virtuals) self.use_defs = copy.deepcopy(clone.use_defs) self.usemask = copy.deepcopy(clone.usemask) self.configlist = copy.deepcopy(clone.configlist) self.configlist[-1] = os.environ.copy() self.configdict = { "globals": self.configlist[0], "defaults": self.configlist[1], "conf": self.configlist[2], "pkg": self.configlist[3], "auto": self.configlist[4], "backupenv": self.configlist[5], "env": self.configlist[6] } self.backupenv = copy.deepcopy(clone.backupenv) self.pusedict = copy.deepcopy(clone.pusedict) self.categories = copy.deepcopy(clone.categories) self.pkeywordsdict = copy.deepcopy(clone.pkeywordsdict) self.pmaskdict = copy.deepcopy(clone.pmaskdict) self.punmaskdict = copy.deepcopy(clone.punmaskdict) self.prevmaskdict = copy.deepcopy(clone.prevmaskdict) self.pprovideddict = copy.deepcopy(clone.pprovideddict) self.lookuplist = copy.deepcopy(clone.lookuplist) self.uvlist = copy.deepcopy(clone.uvlist) self.dirVirtuals = copy.deepcopy(clone.dirVirtuals) self.treeVirtuals = copy.deepcopy(clone.treeVirtuals) self.userVirtuals = copy.deepcopy(clone.userVirtuals) def __init__(self, clone=None, mycpv=None, config_profile_path=portage_const.PROFILE_PATH, config_incrementals=None): self.already_in_regenerate = 0 self.locked = 0 self.mycpv = None self.puse = [] self.modifiedkeys = [] self.virtuals = {} self.v_count = 0 if clone: self.clone( clone ) else: self.depcachedir = portage_const.DEPCACHE_PATH if not os.path.exists(config_profile_path): writemsg("config_profile_path not specified to class config\n") sys.exit(1) self.profile_path = config_profile_path if not config_incrementals: import traceback traceback.print_stack() writemsg("incrementals not specified to class config\n") writemsg("sayonara, sucker.\n") sys.exit(1) self.incrementals = copy.deepcopy(config_incrementals) self.module_priority = ["user","default"] self.modules = {} self.modules["user"] = getconfig(portage_const.MODULES_FILE_PATH) if self.modules["user"] == None: self.modules["user"] = {} self.modules["default"] = { "portdbapi.metadbmodule": "cache.metadata.database", "portdbapi.auxdbmodule": "cache.flat_list.database", } self.usemask=[] self.configlist=[] self.backupenv={} # back up our incremental variables: self.configdict={} # configlist will contain: [ globals, defaults, conf, pkg, auto, backupenv (incrementals), origenv ] # The symlink might not exist or might not be a symlink. try: self.profiles=[abssymlink(self.profile_path)] except (OSError, IOError): self.profiles=[self.profile_path] mypath = self.profiles[0] while os.path.exists(mypath+"/parent"): mypath = os.path.normpath(mypath+"///"+grabfile(mypath+"/parent")[0]) if os.path.exists(mypath): self.profiles.insert(0,mypath) if os.environ.get("PORTAGE_CALLER",'') == "repoman": pass else: # XXX: This should depend on ROOT? if os.path.exists("/"+portage_const.CUSTOM_PROFILE_PATH): self.profiles.append("/"+portage_const.CUSTOM_PROFILE_PATH) self.packages_list = grab_multiple("packages", self.profiles, grabfile_package) self.packages = stack_lists(self.packages_list, incremental=1) del self.packages_list #self.packages = grab_stacked("packages", self.profiles, grabfile, incremental_lines=1) # revmaskdict self.prevmaskdict={} for x in self.packages: mycatpkg=portage_dep.dep_getkey(x) if not self.prevmaskdict.has_key(mycatpkg): self.prevmaskdict[mycatpkg]=[x] else: self.prevmaskdict[mycatpkg].append(x) # get profile-masked use flags -- INCREMENTAL Child over parent usemask_lists = grab_multiple("use.mask", self.profiles, grabfile) self.usemask = stack_lists(usemask_lists, incremental=True) del usemask_lists use_defs_lists = grab_multiple("use.defaults", self.profiles, grabdict) self.use_defs = stack_dictlist(use_defs_lists, incremental=True) del use_defs_lists try: mygcfg_dlists = grab_multiple("make.globals", self.profiles+["/etc"], getconfig) self.mygcfg = stack_dicts(mygcfg_dlists, incrementals=portage_const.INCREMENTALS, ignore_none=1) if self.mygcfg == None: self.mygcfg = {} except SystemExit, e: raise except Exception, e: writemsg("!!! %s\n" % (e)) writemsg("!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause this. Do not use them.\n") writemsg("!!! Errors in this file should be reported on\n") sys.exit(1) self.configlist.append(self.mygcfg) self.configdict["globals"]=self.configlist[-1] self.mygcfg = {} if self.profiles: try: mygcfg_dlists = grab_multiple("make.defaults", self.profiles, getconfig) self.mygcfg = stack_dicts(mygcfg_dlists, incrementals=self.incrementals[:], ignore_none=1) #self.mygcfg = grab_stacked("make.defaults", self.profiles, getconfig) if self.mygcfg == None: self.mygcfg = {} except SystemExit, e: raise except Exception, e: writemsg("!!! %s\n" % (e)) writemsg("!!! 'rm -Rf /usr/portage/profiles; emerge sync' may fix this. If it does\n") writemsg("!!! not then please report this to and, if possible, a dev\n") writemsg("!!! on #gentoo (\n") sys.exit(1) self.configlist.append(self.mygcfg) self.configdict["defaults"]=self.configlist[-1] try: # XXX: Should depend on root? self.mygcfg=getconfig("/"+portage_const.MAKE_CONF_FILE) if self.mygcfg == None: self.mygcfg = {} except SystemExit, e: raise except Exception, e: writemsg("!!! %s\n" % (e)) writemsg("!!! Incorrect multiline literals can cause this. Do not use them.\n") sys.exit(1) self.configlist.append(self.mygcfg) self.configdict["conf"]=self.configlist[-1] self.configlist.append({}) self.configdict["pkg"]=self.configlist[-1] #auto-use: self.configlist.append({}) self.configdict["auto"]=self.configlist[-1] #backup-env (for recording our calculated incremental variables:) self.backupenv = os.environ.copy() self.configlist.append(self.backupenv) # XXX Why though? self.configdict["backupenv"]=self.configlist[-1] self.configlist.append(os.environ.copy()) self.configdict["env"]=self.configlist[-1] # make lookuplist for loading package.* self.lookuplist=self.configlist[:] self.lookuplist.reverse() archlist = grabfile(self["PORTDIR"]+"/profiles/arch.list") self.configdict["conf"]["PORTAGE_ARCHLIST"] = ' '.join(archlist) if os.environ.get("PORTAGE_CALLER",'') == "repoman": # repoman shouldn't use local settings. locations = [self["PORTDIR"] + "/profiles"] self.pusedict = {} self.pkeywordsdict = {} self.punmaskdict = {} else: locations = [self["PORTDIR"] + "/profiles", portage_const.USER_CONFIG_PATH] # Never set anything in this. It's for non-originals. self.pusedict=grabdict_package(portage_const.USER_CONFIG_PATH+"/package.use") #package.keywords pkgdict=grabdict_package(portage_const.USER_CONFIG_PATH+"/package.keywords") self.pkeywordsdict = {} for key in pkgdict.keys(): # default to ~arch if no specific keyword is given if not pkgdict[key]: mykeywordlist = [] if self.configdict["defaults"] and self.configdict["defaults"].has_key("ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"): groups = self.configdict["defaults"]["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split() else: groups = [] for keyword in groups: if not keyword[0] in "~-": mykeywordlist.append("~"+keyword) pkgdict[key] = mykeywordlist cp = portage_dep.dep_getkey(key) if not self.pkeywordsdict.has_key(cp): self.pkeywordsdict[cp] = {} self.pkeywordsdict[cp][key] = pkgdict[key] #package.unmask pkgunmasklines = grabfile_package(portage_const.USER_CONFIG_PATH+"/package.unmask") self.punmaskdict = {} for x in pkgunmasklines: mycatpkg=portage_dep.dep_getkey(x) L = self.punmaskdict.setdefault(mycatpkg,[]) L.append(x) #getting categories from an external file now categories = grab_multiple("categories", locations, grabfile) self.categories = stack_lists(categories, incremental=1) del categories # get virtuals -- needs categories self.loadVirtuals('/') #package.mask # Don't enable per profile package.mask unless the profile # specifically depends on the >=portage-2.0.51 using # =sys-apps/portage-2.0.51" in self.packages \ or "*>=sys-apps/portage-2.0.51" in self.packages): pkgmasklines = grab_multiple("package.mask", self.profiles + locations, grabfile_package) else: pkgmasklines = grab_multiple("package.mask", locations, grabfile_package) pkgmasklines = stack_lists(pkgmasklines, incremental=1) self.pmaskdict = {} for x in pkgmasklines: mycatpkg = portage_dep.dep_getkey(x) L = self.pmaskdict.setdefault(mycatpkg,[]) L.append(x) pkgprovidedlines = grab_multiple("package.provided", self.profiles, grabfile) pkgprovidedlines = stack_lists(pkgprovidedlines, incremental=1) self.pprovideddict = {} for x in pkgprovidedlines: cpv=portage_versions.catpkgsplit(x) if not x: continue mycatpkg=portage_dep.dep_getkey(x) L = self.pprovideddict.setdefault(mycatpkg,[]) L.append(x) self.lookuplist=self.configlist[:] self.lookuplist.reverse() useorder=self["USE_ORDER"] if not useorder: # reasonable defaults; this is important as without USE_ORDER, # USE will always be "" (nothing set)! useorder="env:pkg:conf:auto:defaults" useordersplit=useorder.split(":") self.uvlist=[] for x in useordersplit: if x in self.configdict: if "PKGUSE" in self.configdict[x]: # Delete PkgUse, Not legal to set. del self.configdict[x]["PKGUSE"] #prepend db to list to get correct order self.uvlist.insert(0,self.configdict[x]) self.configdict["env"]["PORTAGE_GID"]=str(portage_gid) self.backupenv["PORTAGE_GID"]=str(portage_gid) if self.has_key("PORT_LOGDIR") and not self["PORT_LOGDIR"]: # port_logdir is defined, but empty. this causes a traceback in doebuild. writemsg(yellow("!!!")+" PORT_LOGDIR was defined, but set to nothing.\n") writemsg(yellow("!!!")+" Disabling it. Please set it to a non null value.\n") del self["PORT_LOGDIR"] if self["PORTAGE_CACHEDIR"]: # XXX: Deprecated -- April 15 -- NJ writemsg(yellow(">>> PORTAGE_CACHEDIR has been deprecated!")+"\n") writemsg(">>> Please use PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR instead.\n") self.depcachedir = self["PORTAGE_CACHEDIR"] del self["PORTAGE_CACHEDIR"] if self["PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR"]: #the auxcache is the only /var/cache/edb/ entry that stays at / even when "root" changes. # XXX: Could move with a CHROOT functionality addition. self.depcachedir = self["PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR"] del self["PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR"] overlays = self["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"].split() if overlays: new_ov=[] for ov in overlays: ov=os.path.normpath(ov) if os.path.isdir(ov): new_ov.append(ov) else: writemsg(red("!!! Invalid PORTDIR_OVERLAY (not a dir): "+ov+"\n")) self["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"] = " ".join(new_ov) self.backup_changes("PORTDIR_OVERLAY") self.regenerate() self.features = portage_util.unique_array(self["FEATURES"].split()) self.features.sort() #XXX: Should this be temporary? Is it possible at all to have a default? if "gpg" in self.features: if not os.path.exists(self["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"]) or not os.path.isdir(self["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"]): writemsg("PORTAGE_GPG_DIR is invalid. Removing gpg from FEATURES.\n") self.features.remove("gpg") self["FEATURES"] = " ".join(self.features) self.backup_changes("FEATURES") if mycpv: self.setcpv(mycpv) def autouse(self, myvartree, use_cache=1): "returns set of USE variables auto-enabled due to packages being installed" # XXX: harring wonders why profiledir is checked here... from portage import profiledir if profiledir==None: return "" myusevars="" for myuse in self.use_defs: dep_met = True for mydep in self.use_defs[myuse]: if not myvartree.dep_match(mydep,use_cache=True): dep_met = False break if dep_met: myusevars += " "+myuse return myusevars def loadVirtuals(self,root): self.virtuals = self.getvirtuals(root) def load_best_module(self,property_string): best_mod = best_from_dict(property_string,self.modules,self.module_priority) return load_mod(best_mod) def lock(self): self.locked = 1 def unlock(self): self.locked = 0 def modifying(self): if self.locked: raise Exception, "Configuration is locked." def backup_changes(self,key=None): if key and self.configdict["env"].has_key(key): self.backupenv[key] = copy.deepcopy(self.configdict["env"][key]) else: raise KeyError, "No such key defined in environment: %s" % key def reset(self,keeping_pkg=0,use_cache=1): "reset environment to original settings" envdict = self.configdict["env"] # reinitialize env values to those of backupenv envdict.clear() envdict.update(self.backupenv) self.modifiedkeys = [] if not keeping_pkg: self.puse = "" self.configdict["pkg"].clear() self.regenerate(use_cache=use_cache) def load_infodir(self,infodir): if self.configdict.has_key("pkg"): self.configdict["pkg"].clear() else: writemsg("No pkg setup for settings instance?\n") sys.exit(17) if os.path.exists(infodir): if os.path.exists(infodir+"/environment"): self.configdict["pkg"]["PORT_ENV_FILE"] = infodir+"/environment" elif os.path.exists(infodir+"/environment.bz2"): self.configdict["pkg"]["PORT_ENV_FILE"] = infodir+"/environment.bz2" # else: # print "wth, no env found in the infodir, '%s'" % infodir # import traceback # traceback.print_stack() # sys.exit(15) myre = re.compile('^[A-Z]+$') for filename in listdir(infodir,filesonly=1): if myre.match(filename): try: mydata = open(infodir+"/"+filename).read().strip() if len(mydata)<2048: if filename == "USE": self.configdict["pkg"][filename] = "-* "+mydata else: self.configdict["pkg"][filename] = mydata except SystemExit, e: raise except: writemsg("!!! Unable to read file: %s\n" % infodir+"/"+filename) pass return 1 return 0 def setcpv(self,mycpv,use_cache=1): self.modifying() self.mycpv = mycpv self.pusekey = portage_dep.best_match_to_list(self.mycpv, self.pusedict.keys()) if self.pusekey: newpuse = " ".join(self.pusedict[self.pusekey]) else: newpuse = "" if newpuse == self.puse: return self.puse = newpuse self.configdict["pkg"]["PKGUSE"] = self.puse[:] # For saving to PUSE file self.configdict["pkg"]["USE"] = self.puse[:] # this gets appended to USE self.reset(keeping_pkg=1,use_cache=use_cache) def setinst(self,mycpv,mydbapi): """ Grab the virtuals this package provides and add them into the tree virtuals. """ provides = mydbapi.aux_get(mycpv, ["PROVIDE"])[0] #XXX HACK from portage import portdbapi if isinstance(mydbapi, portdbapi): myuse = self["USE"] else: myuse = mydbapi.aux_get(mycpv, ["USE"])[0] virts = flatten(portage_dep.use_reduce(portage_dep.paren_reduce(provides), uselist=myuse.split())) cp = portage_dep.dep_getkey(mycpv) for virt in virts: virt = portage_dep.dep_getkey(virt) if not self.treeVirtuals.has_key(virt): self.treeVirtuals[virt] = [] self.treeVirtuals[virt] = portage_util.unique_array(self.treeVirtuals[virt]+[cp]) # Reconstruct the combined virtuals. val = stack_dictlist( [self.userVirtuals, self.treeVirtuals]+self.dirVirtuals, incremental=1) for v in val.values(): v.reverse() self.virtuals = val def regenerate(self,useonly=0,use_cache=1): if self.already_in_regenerate: # XXX: THIS REALLY NEEDS TO GET FIXED. autouse() loops. writemsg("!!! Looping in regenerate.\n",1) return else: self.already_in_regenerate = 1 if useonly: myincrementals=["USE"] else: myincrementals=self.incrementals[:] # XXX HACK, harring # this is a design flaw of the code. from portage import db, root rootdb = db.get(root) for mykey in myincrementals: if mykey=="USE": mydbs=self.uvlist # XXX Global usage of db... Needs to go away somehow. if rootdb and "vartree" in rootdb: _use = self.autouse( rootdb["vartree"], use_cache=use_cache) else: _use = "" self.configdict["auto"]["USE"]= _use else: mydbs=self.configlist[:-1] myflags=[] for curdb in mydbs: if mykey not in curdb: continue #variables are already expanded mysplit=curdb[mykey].split() for x in mysplit: if x=="-*": # "-*" is a special "minus" var that means "unset all settings". # so USE="-* gnome" will have *just* gnome enabled. myflags=[] continue if x[0]=="+": # Not legal. People assume too much. Complain. writemsg(red("USE flags should not start with a '+': %s\n" % x)) x=x[1:] if x[0]=="-": if x[1:] in myflags: # Unset/Remove it. myflags.remove(x[1:]) continue # We got here, so add it now. if x not in myflags: myflags.append(x) myflags.sort() #store setting in last element of configlist, the original environment: self.configlist[-1][mykey]=" ".join(myflags) del myflags #cache split-up USE var in a global usesplit=[] for x in self.configlist[-1]["USE"].split(): if x not in self.usemask: usesplit.append(x) if self.has_key("USE_EXPAND"): for var in self["USE_EXPAND"].split(): if self.has_key(var): for x in self[var].split(): mystr = var.lower()+"_"+x if mystr not in usesplit: usesplit.append(mystr) # Pre-Pend ARCH variable to USE settings so '-*' in env doesn't kill arch. # XXX: harring wonders why profiledir is checked here... from portage import profiledir if profiledir: if self.configdict["defaults"].has_key("ARCH"): if self.configdict["defaults"]["ARCH"]: if self.configdict["defaults"]["ARCH"] not in usesplit: usesplit.insert(0,self.configdict["defaults"]["ARCH"]) self.configlist[-1]["USE"]=" ".join(usesplit) self.already_in_regenerate = 0 def getvirtuals(self, myroot): myvirts = {} # This breaks catalyst/portage when setting to a fresh/empty root. # Virtuals cannot be calculated because there is nothing to work # from. So the only ROOT prefixed dir should be local configs. #myvirtdirs = prefix_array(self.profiles,myroot+"/") myvirtdirs = copy.deepcopy(self.profiles) self.treeVirtuals = {} # Repoman should ignore these. user_profile_dir = None if os.environ.get("PORTAGE_CALLER","") != "repoman": user_profile_dir = myroot+portage_const.USER_CONFIG_PATH # XXX: Removing this as virtuals and profile/virtuals behave # differently. portage/profile/virtuals overrides the default # virtuals but are overridden by installed virtuals whereas # portage/virtuals overrides everything. #if os.path.exists("/etc/portage/virtuals"): # writemsg("\n\n*** /etc/portage/virtuals should be moved to /etc/portage/profile/virtuals\n") # writemsg("*** Please correct this by merging or moving the file. (Deprecation notice)\n\n") # time.sleep(1) self.dirVirtuals = grab_multiple("virtuals", myvirtdirs, grabdict) self.dirVirtuals.reverse() self.userVirtuals = {} if user_profile_dir and os.path.exists(user_profile_dir+"/virtuals"): self.userVirtuals = grabdict(user_profile_dir+"/virtuals") # User settings and profile settings take precedence over tree. profile_virtuals = stack_dictlist([self.userVirtuals]+self.dirVirtuals,incremental=1) # repoman doesn't need local virtuals if os.environ.get("PORTAGE_CALLER","") != "repoman": from portage import vartree temp_vartree = vartree(myroot,profile_virtuals,categories=self.categories) myTreeVirtuals = {} for key, val in temp_vartree.get_all_provides().items(): myTreeVirtuals[key] = portage_util.unique_array( [ portage_versions.pkgsplit(x)[0] for x in val ] ) self.treeVirtuals.update(myTreeVirtuals) del myTreeVirtuals # myTreeVirtuals = map_dictlist_vals(getCPFromCPV,temp_vartree.get_all_provides()) # for x,v in myTreeVirtuals.items(): # self.treeVirtuals[x] = portage_util.unique_array(v) # User settings and profile settings take precedence over tree val = stack_dictlist([self.userVirtuals,self.treeVirtuals]+self.dirVirtuals,incremental=1) for x in val.values(): x.reverse() return val def __delitem__(self,mykey): for x in self.lookuplist: if x != None: if mykey in x: del x[mykey] def __getitem__(self,mykey): match = '' for x in self.lookuplist: if x == None: writemsg("!!! lookuplist is null.\n") elif x.has_key(mykey): match = x[mykey] break if 0 and match and mykey in ["PORTAGE_BINHOST"]: # These require HTTP Encoding try: import urllib if urllib.unquote(match) != match: writemsg("Note: %s already contains escape codes." % (mykey)) else: match = urllib.quote(match) except SystemExit, e: raise except: writemsg("Failed to fix %s using urllib, attempting to continue.\n" % (mykey)) pass elif mykey == "CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK": match += " /etc/env.d" return match def has_key(self,mykey): for x in self.lookuplist: if x.has_key(mykey): return 1 return 0 def keys(self): mykeys=[] for x in self.lookuplist: for y in x.keys(): if y not in mykeys: mykeys.append(y) return mykeys def __setitem__(self,mykey,myvalue): "set a value; will be thrown away at reset() time" if not isinstance(myvalue, str): raise ValueError("Invalid type being used as a value: '%s': '%s'" % (str(mykey),str(myvalue))) self.modifying() self.modifiedkeys += [mykey] self.configdict["env"][mykey]=myvalue def environ(self): "return our locally-maintained environment" mydict={} for x in self.keys(): mydict[x]=self[x] if not mydict.has_key("HOME") and mydict.has_key("BUILD_PREFIX"): writemsg("*** HOME not set. Setting to "+mydict["BUILD_PREFIX"]+"\n") mydict["HOME"]=mydict["BUILD_PREFIX"][:] return mydict def bash_environ(self): "return our locally-maintained environment in a suitable bash assignment form" mydict=self.environ() final={} for k in mydict.keys(): # quotes and escaped chars suck. s=mydict[k].replace("\\","\\\\\\\\") s=s.replace("'","\\\\'") s=s.replace("\n","\\\n") final[k]="$'%s'" % s return final def stack_dicts(dicts, incremental=0, incrementals=[], ignore_none=0): """Stacks an array of dict-types into one array. Optionally merging or overwriting matching key/value pairs for the dict[key]->string. Returns a single dict.""" final_dict = None for mydict in dicts: if mydict == None: if ignore_none: continue else: return None if final_dict == None: final_dict = {} for y in mydict.keys(): if mydict[y]: if final_dict.has_key(y) and (incremental or (y in incrementals)): final_dict[y] += " "+mydict[y][:] else: final_dict[y] = mydict[y][:] mydict[y] = ' '.join(mydict[y].split()) # Remove extra spaces. return final_dict def stack_lists(lists, incremental=1): """Stacks an array of list-types into one array. Optionally removing distinct values using '-value' notation. Higher index is preferenced.""" new_list = [] for x in lists: for y in x: if y: if incremental and y[0]=='-': while y[1:] in new_list: del new_list[new_list.index(y[1:])] else: if y not in new_list: new_list.append(y[:]) return new_list def stack_dictlist(original_dicts, incremental=0, incrementals=[], ignore_none=0): """Stacks an array of dict-types into one array. Optionally merging or overwriting matching key/value pairs for the dict[key]->list. Returns a single dict. Higher index in lists is preferenced.""" final_dict = None kill_list = {} for mydict in original_dicts: if mydict == None: continue if final_dict == None: final_dict = {} for y in mydict.keys(): if not final_dict.has_key(y): final_dict[y] = [] if not kill_list.has_key(y): kill_list[y] = [] for thing in mydict[y]: if thing and (thing not in kill_list[y]): if (incremental or (y in incrementals)) and thing[0] == '-': if thing[1:] not in kill_list[y]: kill_list[y] += [thing[1:]] # while(thing[1:] in final_dict[y]): # del final_dict[y][final_dict[y].index(thing[1:])] else: if thing not in final_dict[y]: final_dict[y].insert(0,thing[:]) if final_dict.has_key(y) and not final_dict[y]: del final_dict[y] return final_dict def best_from_dict(key, top_dict, key_order, EmptyOnError=1, FullCopy=1, AllowEmpty=1): for x in key_order: dico = top_dict.get(x) if dico and key in dico: if FullCopy: return copy.deepcopy(dico[key]) else: return dico[key] if EmptyOnError: return "" else: raise KeyError, "Key not found in list; '%s'" % key def load_mod(name): components = name.split('.') modname = ".".join(components[:-1]) mod = __import__(modname) for comp in components[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, comp) return mod