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-Gentoo Weekly Newsletter
-This is the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter for the week of January 12th, 2004.
-1. Gentoo News
- * 2003 Gentoo Bug Hunt Winners
-2003 Gentoo Bug Hunt Winners
-The 2003 Gentoo Bug Hunt has come to a close. Here are the winners, who
-are developers who have closed the most bugs in the last quarter of 2003
-(in order):
- * Mike Frysinger[1], with 672 bugs closed
- * Martin Holzer[2], with 565 bugs closed
- * Heinrich Wendel[3], with 480 bugs closed
- * Caleb Tennis[4], with 277 bugs closed
- * Michael Sterett[5], with 192 bugs closed
- * Markus Nigbur[6], with 180 bugs closed
- * Marinus Schraal[7], with 179 bugs closed
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
-In addition, the following developers receive an honorable mention for
-their great bug stomping efforts:
- * Seemant Kulleen[8], with 161 bugs closed
- * Marius Mauch[9], with 160 bugs closed
- * Brad House[10], with 160 bugs closed
- * Sven Vermeulen[11], with 158 bugs closed
- * Nicholas Jones[12], 156 bugs closed
- * Robin Johnson[13], with 153 bugs closed
- * Tim Yamin[14], with 145 bugs closed
- * Alastair Tse[15], with 138 bugs closed
- * Mike Gardiner[16], with 111 bugs closed
- * Martin Schlemmer[17], with 108 bugs closed
- * Paul de Vrieze[18], with 93 bugs closed
- * Donnie Berkholz[19], with 84 bugs closed
- 8.
- 9.
- 10.
- 11.
- 12.
- 13.
- 14.
- 15.
- 16.
- 17.
- 18.
- 19.
-And last but not least, non-developer bug janitor Andrew Cooks had an
-impressive showing easily worth an honorable mention: he closed 100 bugs.
-If you are one of the winners or have received an honorable mention,
-please contact Daniel Robbins[20] and make sure that he has your mailing
-address. If you're a winner, then we need to determine what hardware you
-should receive. Daniel has decided not to purchase the prize hardware
-components in advance so that winners can suggest or request components
-they may need.
- 20.
-Thank you everyone (not just those mentioned here) for your efforts to
-make Gentoo better for everyone! :)
-2. Featured Developer of the Week
-Olivier Crête
-Figure 2.1: Olivier Crête
-This week, we are featuring Olivier Crête[21] (tester), a Montréal
-resident who is currently spending a year in Europe. Olivier is on the
-AMD64 project, maintains a few packages that would otherwise have been
-abandoned, and is working on some of the Adelie Linux[22] clustering
-enhancements to Gentoo. He is also co-maintainer of GnomeICU[23], a
-Gnome-based ICQ client.
- 21.
- 22.
- 23.
-Olivier has been using Linux since 1997, progressing from RedHat 4.2
-through 7.3 before the brand-new laptop he acquired in early-2002 caused
-him to look around for a distro that could be optimized for his new
-hardware. He has been on Gentoo ever since, largely because he "found the
-Gentoo forums to be really helpful, and the Gentoo community was
-wonderful". The next summer, he was employed at Cyberlogic[24], a Montreal
-company providing computers and support services, including clustering.
-One of the projects he worked on there was Adelie Linux,using Gentoo as
-the foundation for clustering, including AMD Opteron-based clusters.
-Cyberlogic was very supportive of their staff pursuing an AMD64 version of
-Gentoo, and Olivier worked with Daniel Robbins[25] and others to start
-making it a reality. In particular, Olivier noted that Brad House[26], the
-current Gentoo AMD64 Project[27] lead, "is doing a tremendous job and the
-AMD64 port would not be anywhere near where it is without his
- 24.
- 25.
- 26.
- 27.
-A third-year Software Engineering Student at the Canadian École
-Polytechnique de Montréal[28], Olivier is currently studying as an
-exchange student at the École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et de
-Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble (ENSIMAG)[29] in France He enjoys
-traveling, and you can read about his adventures (in French) on his
-blog[30]. He is currently working on a Dell Inspiron Laptop, and (as a
-Gnome Developer) he uses Gnome[31] 2.4. He recently abandoned Pine[32] in
-favor of Evolution[33] for email, and counts Mozilla Firebird[34],
-xchat[35], Gossip[36], Amsn[37] and aterm[38] among his most oft-used
-applications. Democratically, he uses GNU Emacs[39] for development, and
-vi[40] for general editing.
- 28.
- 29.
- 30.
- 31.
- 32.
- 33.
- 34.
- 35.
- 36.
- 37.
- 38.
- 39.
- 40.
-Olivier closed our correspondence with the following observation: "What I
-really like about Gentoo is not only that its a great distribution from a
-technical point of view, but that it has a great community. The life and
-blood of a Free Software project is in its community, and Gentoo has one
-of the best communities that I have been part of." His favorite quote was
-from Henry Spencer: "Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to
-reinvent it, poorly."
-3. Gentoo Security
-GLSA: Linux kernel do_mremap() privilege escalation vulnerability
-A critical security vulnerability has been found in recent Linux kernels
-which allows for local privilege escalation. Arbitrary code may be able to
-exploit this vulnerability and may disrupt the operation of other parts of
-the kernel memory management subroutines finally leading to unexpected
-Since no special privileges are required to use the mremap() system call
-any process may misuse its unexpected behavior to disrupt the kernel
-memory management subsystem. Proper exploitation of this vulnerability may
-lead to local privilege escalation including execution of arbitrary code
-with kernel level access. Proof-of-concept exploit code has been created
-and successfully tested, permitting root escalation on vulnerable systems.
-As a result, all users should upgrade their kernels to new or patched
-There is no temporary workaround - a kernel upgrade is required. A list of
-unaffected kernels is provided in the GLSA announcement[41].
- 41.
- * Severity: High
- * Packages Affected: see GLSA announcement[42]
- * Rectification: emerge sync; emerge -pv your-favorite-sources; emerge
-your-favorite-sources; follow usual procedures for compiling and
-installing a kernel.
- * GLSA Announcement[43]
- 42.
- 43.
-4. Heard in the Community
-Web Forums
-Greet the Repoman
-Genone[44] is among those Gentoo developers with more than just occasional
-guest appearances in the Forums. Last week he put up a post describing the
-characteristics of an upcoming Portage version 2.0.50, which has quickly
-developed in a lively thread discussing the advantages of new and improved
-features, but also points out possible hickups other tools like etcat
-might run into if they're used in conjunction with the new Portage:
- 44.
- * What to expect from portage-2.0.50[45]
- 45.
-Stuck Between An ~ARCH and A Hard Place
-For the moderators, the sudden outbreak of complaints about kdelibs-3.1.4
-compiles ending rather abruptly on peculiar error messages was hard to
-contain, particularly because many people seem to panic and forget about
-the Forum's search function. After a biug @urge of duplicates, only one
-thread remained alive. Luckily, Gentoo dev Caleb[46] had both that Forum
-thread and the corresponding bug report[47] in his focus and provided a
-temporary solution (update autoconf to a release number beyond "x86"
-stable) within a very decent response time. Anyway, the actual error is on
-its way out as soon as autoconf-2.58 is bumped to usability for people not
-living on the bleeding ~x86 edge:
- 46.
- 47.
- * The big bad kdelibs/kde/autoconf thread of Jan 2004[48]
- 48.
-DJBDNS and Gentoo
-DJBDNS[49] is a popular alternative to the traditional and sometimes buggy
-BIND[50] package from ISC. This[51] thread covers some basics of getting
-DJBDNS up and running on Gentoo.
- 49.
- 50.
- 51.
-Experimental Gentoo 2004 Stages
-The new Gentoo 2004.0 stages were quietly[52] announced on gentoo-user
-this week. Download them, and submit bug reports!
- 52.
-The Command Line Editor Thread
-Finally this week, a more entertaining thread. How many ways can you
-replace a text string in a bunch of files from the Linux command line?
- 53.
-Submitting Ebuilds.
-Interesting in submitting ebuilds? Want to know a bit more about how
-developers get to be developers? Feel like finding a bit more about how
-this whole portage tree thing works when dealing with fun issues like
-spam, security and screwups? Have a look here[54] and here[55] for a start.
- 54.
- 55.
-5. Gentoo International
-Time Out
-There are certainly things worth noting - if only we knew about them.
-Please help the GWN team with information about international events, user
-stories and interesting projects from your own countries! By all means, do
-send suggestions to
-6. Bugzilla
- * Statistics
- * Closed Bug Ranking
- * New Bug Rankings
-The Gentoo community uses Bugzilla ([56]) to record and
-track bugs, notifications, suggestions and other interactions with the
-development team. Between 02 January 2004 and 08 January 2004, activity on
-the site has resulted in:
- 56.
- * 578 new bugs during this period
- * 322 bugs closed or resolved during this period
- * 8 previously closed bugs were reopened this period
-Of the 4590 currently open bugs: 100 are labeled 'blocker', 187 are
-labeled 'critical', and 331 are labeled 'major'.
-Closed Bug Rankings
-The developers and teams who have closed the most bugs during this period
- * AMD64 Porting Team[57], with 51 closed bugs[58]
- * Gentoo Games Team[59], with 30 closed bugs[60]
- * Net-Mail Packages Team[61], with 14 closed bugs[62]
- * Daniel Ahlberg[63], with 13 closed bugs[64]
- * x86 Kernel Team[65], with 10 closed bugs[66]
- * Sven Vermeulen[67], with 10 closed bugs[68]
- * Gentoo KDE Team[69], with 10 closed bugs[70]
- 57.
- 58.
- 59.
- 60.
- 61.
- 62.
- 63.
- 64.
- 65.
- 66.
- 67.
- 68.
- 69.
- 70.
-New Bug Rankings
-The developers and teams who have been assigned the most new bugs during
-this period are:
- * AMD64 Porting Team[71], with 38 new bugs[72]
- * Gnustep Herd[73], with 13 new bugs[74]
- * Core System Packages Team[75], with 13 new bugs[76]
- * x86 Kernel Team[77], with 10 new bugs[78]
- * Gentoo Sound Team[79], with 10 new bugs[80]
- * Gentoo KDE Team[81], with 10 new bugs[82]
- 71.
- 72.
- 73.
- 74.
- 75.
- 76.
- 77.
- 78.
- 79.
- 80.
- 81.
- 82.
-7. Tips and Tricks
-Forwarding an SSH agent
-This weeks tip shows you how to forward ssh sessions between hosts so you
-don't have to copy private keys between hosts.
-Note: Remote SSH sessions and public keys are covered in the Keychain
-If you're using remote sessions with public key authentication you are
-probably used to logging into remote hosts without having to retype your
-password. So logging into Host B from Host A and logging into Host C from
-Host A works great. But what if you need to login to Host C from Host B
-(e.g. to use scp or rsync). Instead of copying your private key from Host
-A to Host B, SSH has a configuration flag you can use.
-This flag is called ForwardAgent and it will forward you ssh-agent process
-from Host A to Host B so that you can use the same authentication from
-Host B to Host C without copying your private SSH key.
-To enable ssh-agent forwarding, set ForwardAgent yes in either .ssh/config
-or /etc/ssh/ssh_config.
-| Code Listing 7.1: |
-| /etc/ssh/ssh_config |
-|Host * |
-| ForwardAgent yes |
-Now you can ssh from Host A to Host B and ssh or scp to Host C using the
-authentication information from Host A.
-8. Moves, Adds, and Changes
-The following developers recently left the Gentoo team:
- * none this week
-The following developers recently joined the Gentoo Linux team:
- * none this week
-The following developers recently changed roles within the Gentoo Linux
- * none this week
-9. Contribute to GWN
-Interested in contributing to the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter? Send us an
- 83.
-10. GWN Feedback
-Please send us your feedback[84] and help make the GWN better.
- 84.
-11. GWN Subscription Information
-To subscribe to the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter, send a blank email to
-To unsubscribe to the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter, send a blank email to from the email address you are
-subscribed under.
-12. Other Languages
-The Gentoo Weekly Newsletter is also available in the following languages:
- * Dutch[85]
- * English[86]
- * German[87]
- * French[88]
- * Japanese[89]
- * Italian[90]
- * Polish[91]
- * Portuguese (Brazil)[92]
- * Portuguese (Portugal)[93]
- * Russian[94]
- * Spanish[95]
- * Turkish[96]
- 85.
- 86.
- 87.
- 88.
- 89.
- 90.
- 91.
- 92.
- 93.
- 94.
- 95.
- 96.
-Yuji Carlos Kosugi <> - Editor
-AJ Armstrong <> - Contributor
-Brian Downey <> - Contributor
-Luke Giuliani <> - Contributor
-Kurt Lieber <> - Contributor
-Rafael Cordones Marcos <> - Contributor
-David Narayan <> - Contributor
-David Nielsen <> - Contributor
-Ulrich Plate <> - Contributor
-Hendrik Eeckhaut <> - Dutch Translation
-Jorn Eilander <> - Dutch Translation
-Bernard Kerckenaere <> - Dutch Translation
-Peter ter Borg <> - Dutch Translation
-Jochen Maes <> - Dutch Translation
-Roderick Goessen <> - Dutch Translation
-Gerard van den Berg <> - Dutch Translation
-Matthieu Montaudouin <> - French Translation
-Xavier Neys <> - French Translation
-Martin Prieto <> - French Translation
-Antoine Raillon <> - French Translation
-Sebastien Cevey <> - French Translation
-Jean-Christophe Choisy <> - French Translation
-Thomas Raschbacher <> - German Translation
-Steffen Lassahn <> - German Translation
-Matthias F. Brandstetter <> - German Translation
-Lukas Domagala <> - German Translation
-Tobias Scherbaum <> - German Translation
-Daniel Gerholdt <> - German Translation
-Marc Herren <> - German Translation
-Tobias Matzat <> - German Translation
-Marco Mascherpa <> - Italian Translation
-Claudio Merloni <> - Italian Translation
-Christian Apolloni <> - Italian Translation
-Stefano Lucidi <> - Italian Translation
-Yoshiaki Hagihara <> - Japanese Translation
-Katsuyuki Konno <> - Japanese Translation
-Yuji Carlos Kosugi <> - Japanese Translation
-Yasunori Fukudome <> - Japanese Translation
-Takashi Ota <> - Japanese Translation
-Radoslaw Janeczko <> - Polish Translation
-Lukasz Strzygowski <> - Polish Translation
-Michal Drobek <> - Polish Translation
-Adam Lyjak <> - Polish Translation
-Krzysztof Klimonda <> - Polish Translation
-Atila "Jedi" Bohlke Vasconcelos <> - Portuguese
-(Brazil) Translation
-Eduardo Belloti <> - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation
-João Rafael Moraes Nicola <> - Portuguese (Brazil)
-Marcelo Gonçalves de Azambuja <> - Portuguese
-(Brazil) Translation
-Otavio Rodolfo Piske <> - Portuguese (Brazil)
-Pablo N. Hess -- NatuNobilis <> - Portuguese
-(Brazil) Translation
-Pedro de Medeiros <> - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation
-Ventura Barbeiro <> - Portuguese (Brazil)
-Bruno Ferreira <> - Portuguese (Portugal)
-Gustavo Felisberto <> - Portuguese (Portugal)
-José Costa <> - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation
-Luis Medina <> - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation
-Ricardo Loureiro <> - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation
-Aleksandr Martyncev <> - Russian Translator
-Sergey Galkin <> - Russian Translator
-Sergey Kuleshov <> - Russian Translator
-Alex Spirin <> - Russian Translator
-Denis Zaletov <> - Russian Translator
-Lanark <> - Spanish Translation
-Fernando J. Pereda <> - Spanish Translation
-Lluis Peinado Cifuentes <> - Spanish Translation
-Zephryn Xirdal T <> - Spanish Translation
-Guillermo Juarez <> - Spanish Translation
-Jesús García Crespo <> - Spanish Translation
-Carlos Castillo <> - Spanish Translation
-Julio Castillo <> - Spanish Translation
-Sergio Gómez <> - Spanish Translation
-Aycan Irican <> - Turkish Translation
-Bugra Cakir <> - Turkish Translation
-Cagil Seker <> - Turkish Translation
-Emre Kazdagli <> - Turkish Translation
-Evrim Ulu <> - Turkish Translation
-Gursel Kaynak <> - Turkish Translation