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-<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<mainpage id="performance">
-<title>Gentoo Linux Performance Metrics</title>
-<author title="Author"><mail link="">Daniel Robbins</mail></author>
-<date>8 Oct 2003</date>
-<title>Gentoo Linux... performance?</title>
-<p>People have often wondered what kind of performance improvement (if any) Gentoo Linux provides over
-other Linux distributions. This section is intended to give you an idea of the various factors
-that can affect application performance.
-<title>HispaLinux 2003: Gentoo Linux 1.4 vs. Mandrake 9.1 load-times</title>
-<p>On 23 Sep 2003, <b>Jose Alberto Suarez Lopez</b> gave a presentation at <uri
-2003</uri> where he demonstrated the load-time performance of the official
-<i>Gentoo Linux 1.4</i> release. To compare load-time performance, he used <i>Mandrake
-<note>Jose originally thought that Mandrake 9.1 used prelink by default. This
-is not the case, and corrections have been made to this document to reflect this.</note>
-<p>These benchmarks compare Mandrake 9.1 against Gentoo Linux 1.4 in both a
-un-prelinked (default) and pre-linked state. For the "Gentoo with prelink" test, prelinking was performed as per
-the steps of the <uri
-link="">Gentoo Prelinking
-Guide</uri> and only the applications being tested were pre-linked.
-<p>Here is an overview of the operating systems benchmarked for the load-time test:
-<li><b>Mandrake 9.1</b> (<b>no prelink</b>, default kernel)</li>
-<li><b>Gentoo Linux 1.4 for Pentium III</b> (official prebuilt "GRP" packages from CD, <b>no prelink</b>, gaming-sources-2.4.20-r3)</li>
-<li><b>Gentoo Linux 1.4 for Pentium III</b> (official prebuilt "GRP" packages from CD, <b>with prelink</b>, gaming-sources-2.4.20-r3)</li>
-<p>The Gentoo Linux 1.4 for Pentium III release uses the following packages:
-<li>compilation flags: -O3 -march=pentium3 -fprefetch-loop-arrays -funroll-loops</li>
-<p>Here is an overview of the system used for the load-time test:
-<li>Pentium III Coppermine 733Mhz</li>
-<li>128MB RAM</li>
-<li>1461 BogoMIPS (not an authoritative performance measure but people seem to like to know this :)</li>
-<p>To perform the test, three applications (<b>Mozilla 1.4x</b>, <b>NetBeans
-3.5x</b> and <b>Kmail</b> (Gentoo version was a newer 3.1.3 version that came
-with the release) were repeatedly loaded. Initial load speed as well as
-subsequent load speed was recorded.</p> </body> </section>
-<title>HispaLinux 2003: Load time results</title>
-<note>In these tests, the first column lists initial load time. The second and third columns
-list the time required to load the application the second and third time respectively.</note>
-<p><b>Test 1: Mandrake 9.1 without prelink</b>
-<tr><th></th><th>1st run</th><th>2nd run</th><th>3rd run</th></tr>
-<p><b>Test 2: Gentoo Linux 1.4 for Pentium III without prelink</b>
-<tr><th></th><th>1st run</th><th>2nd run</th><th>3rd run</th></tr>
-<p><b>Test 3: Gentoo Linux 1.4 for Pentium III with prelink</b>
-<tr><th></th><th>1st run</th><th>2nd run</th><th>3rd run</th></tr>
-<note>The NetBeans test was not performed for Test 3 since NetBeans itself is
-not prelinkable. Also, <i>only the tested applications (rather than the entire
-system) were prelinked.</i> Prelinking the entire system shouldn't negatively
-impact these performance numbers, and could theoretically improve them if external
-binaries are loaded.</note>
-<title>HispaLinux 2003: Load-time conclusion</title>
-<p>Here are the conclusions of the load-time test:</p>
-<li><b>Mozilla loads nearly twice as fast under Gentoo Linux 1.4 for Pentium III</b> (both initial and subsequent loads)</li>
-<li>Initial load time for NetBeans under Gentoo is over twice as fast as on Mandrake 9.1</li>
-<li>Subsequent load time for NetBeans seems about even for both Gentoo and Mandrake</li>
-<li><b>With prelink, Kmail loads over 10 times faster than Gentoo Linux without prelink or Mandrake 9.1 without prelink</b></li>
-<p>To be completely fair, here are some things to understand about this test:</p>
-<li>Can you conclude that "Gentoo is faster than Mandrake?" <b>No.</b> This is a limited test. It is likely that
-Mandrake is faster for some things. <b>Also, we tested load-time performance only.</b></li>
-<li>Can you conclude that "Mandrake is faster than Gentoo?" <b>No.</b> Since we have been able to demonstrate
-that there are at least a few things that Gentoo does faster. <b>Again, only load-time performance was
-tested, and doesn't necessarily correlate with application runtime performance.</b></li>
-<li>"I installed distro X and it is a lot slower/faster than expected!" This is very possible, and can
-be due to driver and kernel differences. Often, preemptive and low-latency patches reduce CPU performance
-while helping interactive response. Sometimes, certain kernels behave poorly on certain hardware.
-You may be loading many more things into RAM with your new install than with the old install, or the
-new install's applications may eat up more RAM.</li>
-<p><b>What can be gleaned from these results?</b> For one, the default
-optimizations of Gentoo Linux 1.4 for Pentium III appear to make a
-significant difference in "real world" application load-time performance with
-Mozilla. The initial load-time speed delta could be explained by Mandrake
-having more services loaded, thus requiring some paging out to virtual memory.
-However, second and third load-time speed deltas also show a performance
-improvement. This points to lowered CPU usage. To confirm, we would need
-to get hard numbers of <path>mozilla-bin</path>'s CPU usage during load time (rather than load time itself) from each system,
-do a detailed comparison of libraries and compiler toolchains used, as well as optimization settings.
-Binary applications like NetBeans cannot benefit as much from any optimizations
-used on the system,
-although initial load-time for binary applications does seem to be
-a lot better under Gentoo Linux. It is not clear why. Possibly kernel differences
-or possibly because more free RAM is initially available on Gentoo as compared
-to Mandrake. This latter explanation is likely due to the fact that the 2nd and 3rd
-test numbers are more or less the same.</p>
-<p>In addition, KDE C++ applications like Kmail seem to show a huge load-time
-peformance improvement when prelinked -- <i>over 10 times faster than without prelink</i>. Prelinking seems to be very
-beneficial for improving load-time performance for KDE apps, although Mozilla
-shows negligible improvement. Could this be due to Mozilla's internal
-architecture which prevents it from being able to benefit significantly from
-being pre-linked? Or did our tester mistakenly try to prelink
-<path>/usr/bin/mozilla</path> instead of of
-<path>/usr/lib/mozilla/mozilla-bin</path>? Only time (and another load-time
-performance test) will tell! :)</p>
-<p><b>Gentoo Linux tries to deliver the best performance possible in
-several ways.</b> First and most important, we
-try our best to offer the latest and best free software technologies to our
-users, including the latest compiler toolchains. Newer compilers produce faster
-code, so by getting these tools into your hands sooner, we can often deliver
-better performance. It's important to understand that there is no magic
-involved except getting the latest free software improvements to you in a
-timely manner.</p>
-<p><b>Here's the second way we attempt to maximize the performance of Gentoo.</b> <i>The official
-Gentoo Linux 1.4 release ships with pre-built binary packages</i> that have been
-optimized for specific CPU models. We've chosen optimizations that perform well
-and are very stable.</p>
-For example, <uri link=";action=viewitem">Gentoo Linux for
-Pentium III</uri> was used in this test, which runs very fast on Pentium III and higher
-processors, but will not run on Pentium II or "lower" processors. It takes full advantage
-of the Pentium III's instruction set, including MMX and SSE instructions.</p>
-<b>By providing
-tailored builds for each CPU model, you are able to use the full instruction set
-of your CPU and receive the best possible system performance.</b> For x86
-systems, we currently offer 1.4 builds for <uri link=";action=viewitem">x86</uri> (generic PC), <uri link=";action=viewitem">i686</uri> (Pentium
-Pro and higher), <uri link=";action=viewitem">Pentium III</uri>, <uri link=";action=viewitem">Pentium 4</uri> and <uri link=";action=viewitem">Athlon XP</uri> systems. In addition,
-we provide an easy way for users who wish to "build Gentoo from scratch" so that they can optimize and configure Gentoo Linux
-as needed.
-<p>The third way Gentoo can offer improved performance is that the default install
-is "opt in" rather than "opt out." That is, your system will only have the applications
-installed that you actually need. This can lower RAM usage which can result in lower
-CPU and VM usage and an overall faster system.</p>
-<p>If you'd like to purchase Gentoo Linux, please visit <uri
-link="">The Gentoo Store</uri>. Gentoo can also be downloaded
-from our various <uri link="">mirrors</uri>.</p>