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-<!DOCTYPE guide SYSTEM "/dtd/guide.dtd">
-<guide link="/doc/install.html">
-<title>Gentoo Linux Installation Guide</title>
-<author title="Chief Architect"><mail link="">Daniel Robbins</mail></author>
-<author title="Editor"><mail link="">Thomas Flavel</mail></author>
-<abstract>This guide shows you how to install Gentoo Linux 1.0_rc4_pre2. Right now,
-Gentoo Linux installation is geared towards intermediate to advanced developers
-and system administrators. The process itself is not incredibly complex, but
-you must know how to set up partitions, manually create filesystems, and
-extract tarballs. If you know how to do this, then you're ready to install the
-Gentoo Linux release candidate.</abstract>
-<date>22 Apr 2001</date>
-<title>Getting started</title>
-<title>Install Methods</title>
-<p>Rather than provide a special system installer program, we've chosen to provide
-you with a real Linux shell prompt. From this prompt, you can perform all the
-steps necessary to install Gentoo Linux, and get everything set up exactly as
-you need it. People often ask whether we're going to provide a fancy install
-program in the future. Yes, we'd like to do this, but there will always be a
-relatively simple "manual" install method for those who need it. By having
-a manual install method, we not only cater to Linux experts, but also make it
-easy for people building a special-purpose product out of Gentoo Linux. Because
-our install process is "out in the open", it's easy for others to customize,
-automate or beautify to their liking.
-<title>Partition layout</title>
-<p>Here's a quick overview of the standard Gentoo Linux partition layout. We're going to create at
-least three partitions: a swap partition, a root partition (to hold the bulk of Gentoo Linux), and a special boot
-partition. The boot partition is designed to hold GRUB boot loader information
-as well as your Linux kernel(s). The boot partition gives us a safe place to
-store everything related to booting Linux. During normal day-to-day Gentoo
-Linux use, your boot partition should remain <e>unmounted</e>. This prevents
-your kernel from being made unavailable to GRUB (due to filesystem corruption)
-in the event of a system crash, preventing the chicken-and-egg problem where
-GRUB can't read your kernel (since your filesystem is corrupted) but you can't
-run fsck to uncorrupt your filesystem (since you can't boot!)
-<title>Partition Selection</title>
-<p>Now, on to filesystem types. We recommend that you install Gentoo Linux on a
-ReiserFS filesystem because they're much faster and generally more reliable
-than their ext2 counterparts. We've been using ReiserFS for a long time now
-and we believe it's not only "stable enough", but perfect for use in production
-environments. However, if you want to use ext2 for your root and boot
-filesystems, we support this as well. Support will likely be added for JFS in
-the near future, as well as XFS - as soon as it's ready. Here are our recommended
-filesystem sizes and types:</p>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <th>Partition</th>
- <th>Size</th>
- <th>Type</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <ti>boot partition, containing kernel(s) and boot information</ti>
- <ti>~100 Megabytes</ti>
- <ti>ReiserFS recommended, ext2 ok</ti>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <ti>root partition, containing main filesystem (/usr, /home, etc)</ti>
- <ti>&gt;=1.5 Gigabytes</ti>
- <ti>ReiserFS recommended, ext2 ok</ti>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <ti>swap partition (no longer a 128 Megabyte limit)</ti>
- <ti>&gt;=128 Megabytes</ti>
- <ti>Linux swap</ti>
- </tr>
- </table>
-<title>Getting What You Need</title>
-In this install guide, I'm going to be stepping you through the Gentoo
-Linux CD-based installation process. To perform the CD install, you'll
-need the Gentoo Linux 1.0_rc4_pre2 CD ISO image, available at <uri>
-</uri> (~550Mb download.)
-It's also possible to install Gentoo Linux from an existing Linux
-installation. If you'd like to do this instead, you'll need to
-download the <path>1.0_rc4_pre2 sys.tbz2</path> file, available from <uri>
-</uri> (~67Mb download.)
-If you choose to install Gentoo Linux from another Linux distribution, you'll
-need to have the tools to unpack a bzip'd tarball (nearly all distributions do.) However,
-at this time, most distributions don't have the ability to create and mount ReiserFS
-partitions. If you don't have this ability, you may need to ReiserFS-enable your
-current system if you'd like to use ReiserFS. Another possibility is to use
-ext2 filesystems for Gentoo Linux, or alternatively just download and burn our
-CD image, which has all the tools you need for ReiserFS.
-<title>Booting the CD</title>
-Once you've downloaded the ISO image and burned your own Gentoo Linux CD, go ahead
-and boot your system from the CD. You'll be presented with a GRUB menu that looks
-like this:
-<figure link="/images/install-boot.gif" short="The boot screen" caption="When the CD boots, you'll see this screen"/>
-Go ahead and select the first option to continue the CD boot process. Linux will boot and the Gentoo
-Linux CD detector will start up and detect and mount a minimal Gentoo Linux system included
-on the CD. When the boot process is complete, you'll be presented with a login prompt. To
-log in, go ahead and type <c>root</c> and hit Enter. You won't be prompted for a password.
-<title>Using boot floppies</title>
-<p>In case you can't use a bootable cd for some reason (i.e. no burner, we
-haven't made isos, your cat ate all your blank cds etc.) you can use the boot
-floppies. You'll need bootdisk.img and rescue.img. You can find them <uri
-(look in the latest
-rc dir).
-<p>Once you've downloaded them you need to run <c>dd if=bootdisk.img of=/dev/fd0
-bs=1k</c> for both the bootdisk.img and rescue.img. Then you can boot from
-bootdisk.img, and insert rescue.img when it prompts you. If you have a
-currently running system you may want to download sys or build tarball and
-store it on a spare partition so you will have it available when you reboot.
-<title>Step 1: Create and Format Your Partitions</title>
-The first step is to create your boot, root (plus optional <path>/home</path>, <path>/usr</path>, <path>/var</path>)
-and swap partitions using fdisk (type <c>fdisk /dev/hd?</c> to start it up.) Your
-boot and root partition should be tagged as a "Linux" partitions (type 83) even
-if you're using ReiserFS. Your swap partition should be tagged as "Linux swap"
-(type 82). Here's a screenshot of an example partition layout. In this
-example, <path>/dev/hda1</path> is the boot partition (256Mb), <path>/dev/hda2</path> is the swap
-partition (256Mb), and <path>/dev/hda3</path> is the root partition (1.5Gb). Notice that
-<path>/dev/hda1</path> has the bootable flag set (you can set this with the <c>a</c> option.)
-Once you've created your partitions, remember to write your changes using the
-<c>w</c> option.
-<figure link="/images/install-fdisk.gif" short="Creating partitions" caption="Creating partitions using fdisk"/>
-<title>Step 2: Create and Mount Filesystems</title>
-The second step is to create your filesystems. Use the commands <c>mke2fs</c>, <c>mkreiserfs</c> and <c>mkswap</c> for this. For example, to create
-a new ReiserFS filesystem on the partition /dev/hda1, type:
-# <i>mkreiserfs /dev/hda1</i></pre>
-<p>For my example partition layout above, I typed in the following commands:
-<pre caption="Creating and mounting filesystems">
-# <i>mkreiserfs /dev/hda1</i>
-# <i>mkswap /dev/hda2</i>
-# <i>mkreiserfs /dev/hda3</i>
-Now that the filesystems have been created, it's time to get your boot and root (and optionally your /var, /usr and /home partitions) mounted.
-For my example partition layout, I typed in the following:
-# <i>mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/gentoo</i>
-# <i>mkdir /mnt/gentoo/boot</i>
-# <i>mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/gentoo/boot -o notail</i>
-<note>The "notail" option is required if you're
-installing GRUB as a secondary boot loader. It also doesn't hurt to include it
-if you're not.</note>
-<p>Notice that I had to create the <path>/mnt/gentoo/boot</path> filesystem before mounting <path>/dev/hda1</path>. If you've created
-additional non-root filesystems (<path>/var</path>, <path>/usr</path>, <path>/home</path>, etc), you'll need to create the appropriate directories under <path>/mnt/gentoo</path>
-and then mount all your filesystems at the correct locations. Once all your filesystems are mounted, we're ready to extract
-the <path>sys.tbz2</path> tarball - the file that contains the Gentoo Linux base system.
-If you're installing Gentoo Linux direct from an existing Linux distribution, make sure that all your filesystems are mounted at the <path>/mnt/gentoo</path>
-mountpoint just like I described above. From this point on, you should be able to follow our install instructions word for
-<title>Step 3: Extract the sys.tbz2 Tarball</title>
-Now, it's time to extract the <path>sys.tbz2</path> tarball to <path>/mnt/gentoo</path>.
-You'll find the tarball at <path>/mnt/distcd/packages/sys.tbz2</path>.
-Extract it by typing:</p>
-# <i>tar xpjvf /mnt/distcd/packages/sys.tbz2 -C /mnt/gentoo</i>
-<impo>Please notice that we use the <c>p</c> option when extracting the
-sys tarball. This is <e>extremely</e> important, since it ensures that
-the literal permissions in the tarball will be preserved on disk. Without
-the <c>p</c>, directory perms are affected by the umask -- which is helpful
-when you're extracting a source tarball, but not so helpful when you're
-restoring a system image.</impo>
-If you're installing from another Linux distribution and your version of tar doesn't have the <c>-j</c> (bzip2) option, the following
-pipeline should do the exact same thing:
-# <i>cat /path/to/sys.tbz2 | bzip2 -d | tar -xpvf - -C /mnt/gentoo</i>
-<impo>Again, notice that we use the extremely important <c>p</c> option to
-extract the tarball.</impo>
-<title>Configure the system</title>
-<body><note>If you want to compile a custom kernel during the install process, them before proceeding with the
-following instructions, copy the linux-sources tbz2 file from <path>/mnt/distcd/packages/All/linux-sources-???.tbz2</path> to <path>/mnt/gentoo/tmp</path>.
-Then, proceed with these instructions. I'll let you know when it's time to merge it.</note>
-<p>Now that the base system tarball has been extracted, we need to get the system ready for booting. Begin this process
-by typing:
-# <i>chroot /mnt/gentoo</i>
-</pre><p>The chroot command will start a new shell with the root filesystem set to <path>/mnt/gentoo</path>.
-If you have a non-US keyboard, you've probably noticed that some keys aren't in the right place. This can be fixed by
-# <i>loadkeys [keymap]</i>
-Here are some popular non-English keymaps:</p>
-Please <mail link="">email me</mail> the keymaps that you use for your
-preferred language so that I can add them to this document. Now, type the following commands:
-# <i>env-update</i>
-# <i>/etc/rc.d/init.d/initscripts-install</i>
-</pre><p>The first command, env-update, is a special Gentoo Linux command that auto-generates the <path>/etc/</path> file and configures
-the default shell environment variable and path settings. The second script will configure Gentoo Linux initialization scripts,
-so that all the proper symlinks are in place in <path>/etc/rc.d</path> so that the system will boot.
-<p>There are just a few files that need to be configured before we're ready to install the Gentoo Linux boot loader (GRUB) and
-start Gentoo Linux. Right now, the only editor included with the base system is <c>vi</c>. In the next release, we're also going
-to include another text editor that's easier to use for those who don't know <c>vi</c>. If you don't know how to use vi, here are
-some quick instructions. To edit a file, type <c>vi filename</c>. Immediately after <c>vi</c> loads the file, press the <c>i</c> key to enter
-INSERT mode. In this mode, you'll be able to move around in the file by using the arrow keys, and you'll be able to insert
-text just by typing it and delete text with the backspace or delete key. If you need to delete an entire line, press escape
-to leave INSERT mode (you're now in command mode), and hit <c>dd</c>. Then, hit <c>i</c> again to go back to INSERT mode. When you need
-to save your changes, hit escape to leave INSERT mode and type <c>:x</c>. If you want to throw away your changes, type <c>:q!</c>.
-Vim, the version of vi that's included with Gentoo Linux, also includes extensive help. You can type <c>:help</c> (in command mode)
-to access it.</p>
-<p>Edit this file, making sure that the partition names and filesystem types are correct. Here are the
-first three configuration lines for my example system configuration:
-/dev/hda3 / reiserfs defaults 1 1
-/dev/hda2 none swap sw 0 0
-/dev/hda1 /boot reiserfs noauto,notail 0 2
-<p>Look for your timezone (or GMT if you using Greenwich Mean Time) in <path>/usr/share/zoneinfo</path>. Then, make a symbolic link by typing:
-# <i>cd /etc; ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/path/to/timezonefile localtime</i>
-<p>Edit this file so that it contains your fully-qualified domain name on a single line, i.e. <c></c>.
-<p>This file contains DNS server and domain information. Here's a template to follow:
-<p>This file contains a list of ip addresses and their associated hostnames. It's used by the system to resolve the IP addresses
-of any hostnames that may not be in your nameservers. Here's a template for this file:
- localhost
-<comment># the next line contains your IP for your local LAN, and your associated machine name</comment>
- mymachine
-<title>Configure ethernet</title>
-<p>Look in the <path>/etc/rc.d/config</path> directory; you'll see a file
-called <path>OFF_inet.eth0</path>. Copy this file to <path>inet.eth0</path>, and edit the top part of it
-so that it contains the IP address settings you want to use on your first
-ethernet card. Look in <path>/lib/modules</path> for the ethernet module
-specific to your particular ethernet card, and append it to the
-<path>/etc/rc.d/config/modules</path> file (you can also add any options you
-need to the same line.) Then, when Gentoo Linux boots, this module will be
-automatically loaded from disk. If you have multiple network cards, copy
-<path>inet.eth0</path> to <path>inet.eth1</path> and edit this file so that it
-configures your second interface correctly. Repeat for eth2, etc as necessary.
-If you have a static ppp link, you can copy the <path>inet.eth0</path> file to
-<path>inet.ppp0</path>, and insert the appropriate commands in the
-<c>netup()</c> and <c>netdown()</c> functions. All
-<path>/etc/rc.d/config/inet.*</path> files will be started automatically at
-boot time by the <path>/etc/rc.d/init.d/inet</path> rc script. </p>
-<title>Configure basic settings</title>
-<p>Take a look at the <path>/etc/rc.d/config/basic</path>, and make sure that it's set up properly. Important settings are GMT
-(set to <c>yes</c> if your system clock is set to GMT, otherwise <c>no</c> if it's set to your local time) and KEYMAP (look in
-<path>/usr/share/keymaps/i386</path> for available keymaps. To specify the keymap, set KEYMAP to the <e>prefix</e>
-of the keymap filename (i.e. drop the <path>.kmap.gz</path> extension from the end.)
-<title>Configure GRUB</title>
-The most critical part of understanding GRUB is getting comfortable with how GRUB refers to hard drives and partitions.
-Your Linux partition <path>/dev/hda1</path> is called <path>(hd0,0)</path> under GRUB. Notice the parenthesis around the hd0,0 - they are required.
-Hard drives count from zero rather than "a", and partitions start at zero rather than one. So, <path>/dev/hdb3</path> gets translated to <path>(hd1,2)</path>, and <path>/dev/hdd7</path> gets translated to <path>(hd3,6)</path>. After you've gotten the feel for that, convert your boot and root partition names to the GRUB format and write them down. Now, it's time to install GRUB.
-<p>The easiest way to install grub is to simply type <c>grub</c> at your chrooted shell prompt:
-# <i>grub</i>
-</pre><p>You'll be presented with the <c>grub&gt;</c> grub command-line prompt. Now, you need to type in the
-right commands to install the GRUB boot record onto your hard drive. In my example configuration,
-I want to install the GRUB boot record on my hard drive's MBR (master boot record), so that
-the first thing I see when I turn on the computer is the GRUB prompt. In my case, the commands
-I want to type are:</p>
-<pre>grub&gt; <i>root (hd0,0)</i>
-grub&gt; <i>setup (hd0)</i>
-<p>Here's how the two commands work. The first <c>root ( )</c> command tells GRUB
-the location of your boot partition (in my case, <path>/dev/hda1</path> or
-<path>(hd0,0)</path> in GRUB terminology. Then, the second <c>setup ( )</c> command tells GRUB where to install the
-boot record - it will be configure to look for its special files at the <c>root
-( )</c> location that you specified. In my case, I want the boot record on the
-MBR of the hard drive, so I simply specify <path>/dev/hda</path> (also known as <path>(hd0)</path>). If I were using
-another boot loader and wanted to set up GRUB as a secondary boot-loader, I
-could install GRUB to the boot record of a particular partition. In that case,
-I'd specify a particular partition rather than the entire disk. Once the GRUB
-boot record has been
-successfully installed, you can type <c>quit</c> to quit GRUB. Gentoo Linux is
-installed, but we need to create the <path>/boot/boot/grub/menu.lst</path> file so that
-we get a nice GRUB boot menu when the system reboots. Here's how to do it.</p>
-<p>Now, create the menu.lst file (<c>vi /boot/boot/grub/menu.lst</c>), and add the following to it:</p>
-default 0
-timeout 30
-title=My example Gentoo Linux
-root (hd0,0)
-kernel /boot/bzImage root=/dev/hda3
-title=Windows NT Workstation
-root (hd0,2)
-chainloader +1
-</pre><p>After saving this file, Gentoo Linux installation is complete. Selecting the first option will
-tell GRUB to boot Gentoo Linux without a fuss. The second part of the menu.lst file is optional, and shows you how to
-use GRUB to boot a bootable Windows partition.</p>
-<note>Above, <path>(hd0,0)</path> should point to your "boot" partition
-(<path>/dev/hda1</path> in my case) and <path>/dev/hda3</path> should point to
-your root filesystem. <path>(hd0,2)</path> contains the NT boot
-loader.</note> <p>Also, if you need to pass any options to the kernel, simply
-add them to the end of the <c>kernel</c> command. We're already passing one option
-(<c>root=/dev/hda3</c>), but you can pass others as well. There's one in particular
-that you may be interested in. If you want to enable devfs (a special device
-filesystem), you can add the <c>devfs=mount</c> option at the end of the <c>kernel</c>
-line. </p>
-<title>One Last Step</title>
-<p>If you copied over the <path>linux-sources-???.tbz2</path> file, you can now install the package and compile a fresh new
-kernel. To merge the linux-sources, type <c>pkgmerge /tmp/linux-sources-???.tbz2</c>. After the merge completes,
-you can remove the .tbz2 from <path>/tmp</path> and continue with the kernel compile step. If you didn't copy over the
-linux sources, you can skip the kernel compile step and proceed unmounting your filesystems below.</p>
-<p>To compile your own kernel, perform the following steps:</p><pre>
-# <i>cd /usr/src/linux</i>
-# <i>make menuconfig</i>
-<codenote>make sure you compile-in support for ReiserFS as well as your boot drive controller</codenote>
-# <i>make bzImage</i>
-# <i>make modules</i>
-# <i>make modules_install</i>
-# <i>cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/boot</i>
-<codenote>Above, "/boot/boot" is intentional and should not simply be "/boot"</codenote>
-<p>Now, Gentoo Linux is installed. The only remaining step is to exit the chrooted shell, safely unmount your partitions
-and reboot the system:</p>
-# <i>exit</i>
-<codenote>This exits the chrooted shell; you can also type <c>^D</c></codenote>
-# <i>umount /mnt/gentoo/boot</i>
-# <i>umount /mnt/gentoo</i>
-# <i>reboot</i>
-<title>You're done!</title>
-<body><p>If you have any questions or would like to get involved with Gentoo Linux development,
-consider joining our gentoo-dev mailing list (there's a "click to subscribe" link on our <uri link="">main page</uri>).