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-<?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/xml/htdocs/doc/en/gentoolkit.xml,v 1.7 2003/12/01 12:06:21 erwin Exp $ -->
-<!DOCTYPE guide SYSTEM "/dtd/guide.dtd">
-<guide link = "/doc/en/gentoolkit.xml">
-<author title="Author"><mail link="">
-Matt Butcher</mail>
-<author title="Editor"><!-- -->
- John P. Davis
-<author title="Editor">
- <mail link="">Erwin</mail>
-<!-- Licensed under GFDL -->
- Gentoolkit is a suite of tools to ease the administration of a Gentoo system.
- This document covers the basics of
- some of the tools present in Gentoolkit.
-<date>December 1, 2003</date>
- <title>Introduction</title>
- <section>
- <title>What is Gentoolkit?</title>
- <body>
- <p>Gentoo is a unique distribution, and presents some complexities that
- simply don't exist for other distributions. As Gentoo developers
- and contributors discovered some of these complexities, they also
- wrote tools to help users and administrators work around them.
- Many of these tools have been contributed to the Gentoo project,
- and are included in the package <path>app-portage/gentoolkit</path>.
- </p>
- <p>Gentoolkit contains a whole bunch of useful tools to help manage
- Portage and the ebuild architecture. Most users -- particularly
- those who update systems often -- will benefit from having
- gentoolkit installed.</p>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Installation</title>
- <body>
- <p>Just as with any Gentoo package, installation is just a simple
- emerge.
- </p>
- <pre>
-<i>emerge gentoolkit </i>
- </pre>
- <note>Many of the tools in gentoolkit reveal important information
- about your system or require root permissions. For that reason,
- some of the programs may only be executed (or only function
- properly) if run by a user with root permissions.</note>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Finding Documentation</title>
- <body>
- <p>
- At the time of this writing, not all of the programs in gentoolkit
- are well documented. Some have man pages, but not all. Any documentation
- that a program might have (other than man pages) is stored in
- <path>/usr/doc/gentoolkit-[version]/[program-name]/</path>.
- </p>
- </body>
- </section>
- <title>Querying Package Data with qpkg</title>
- <section>
- <title>Introduction</title>
- <body>
- <p><c>qpkg</c> is flexible tool for determining information about ebuilds,
- whether installed or not. It can provide information about what files belong
- to which ebuilds, whether multiple versions of the same package are installed,
- and what a particular ebuild does.
- </p>
- <p>Calling <c>qpkg</c> with no arguments prints a list of all ebuilds, with asterisks
- (*) next to the packages that are installed on the system.
- </p>
- <note>By default, <c>qpkg</c> prints output in color. To turn this off on the command
- line, use the <c>--no-color</c> or <c>-nc</c> flag.</note>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Querying Package Information</title>
- <body>
- <p>One of the most common uses for <c>qpkg</c> is determining what a given package
- is. For instance, while looking through <path>net-misc</path>, I saw a package
- called <path>neon</path>. Having no idea what it was, I ran qpkg.
- </p>
- <pre>
-hebron root # <i>qpkg -i net-misc/neon
- HTTP and WebDAV client library [ ]
- HTTP and WebDAV client library [ ]
- HTTP and WebDAV client library [ ]
- HTTP and WebDAV client library [ ]
- HTTP and WebDAV client library [ ] </i>
- </pre>
- <p>
- <c>qpkg</c> read through the ebuild files for the five <path>net-misc/neon</path>
- ebuilds and printed out the information stored in DESCRIPTION and HOMEPAGE.
- </p>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Listing Files Belonging to an Ebuild</title>
- <body>
- <p>
- <c>qpkg</c> can also list the files that belong to an installed ebuild. I
- Know that gentoolkit installed several tools, but I don't know what they
- all are. To find out, I can do a <c>qpkg -l</c>
- </p>
- <pre>
-hebron portage # <i>qpkg -l app-portage/gentoolkit
-app-portage/gentoolkit-0.1.14-r1 *
-/etc/etc-update.conf </i>
- </pre>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Finding the Package from Where a File Came</title>
- <body>
- <p>
- To find the package that a file came from, use the <c>-f</c>
- or <c>--find-file</c> flag.
- </p>
- <pre>
- hebron portage # <i>qpkg -f net-www/mozilla * </i>
- </pre>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Listing Duplicate Packages</title>
- <body>
- <p>
- Sometimes multiple versions of the same package may exist. <c>qpkg --dup</c>
- will print a list of duplicate packages. The existence of a duplicate package
- though may not indicate that the older version may be removed. They may fill
- different slots. To look for duplicates in the same slot, use
- <c>qpkg --dups --slot</c>. I just updated KDE from 3.0 to 3.0.2, so I have some
- duplicates in the same slot.
- </p>
- <pre>
-hebron portage # <i>qpkg --dups --slot
-x11-libs/qt </i>
- </pre>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Verifying Package Integrity</title>
- <body>
- <p>
- Sometimes it is useful to check a package's integrity to know that files
- have not been replaced since they were installed. <c>qpkg</c> can
- verify md5 sums as well as install times to indicate whether or not files
- for the package might have been corrupted, replaced, or removed.
- </p>
- <p>To check both mtimes and md5 sums, use the <c>-c</c> flag.</p>
- <pre>
-hebron portage # <i>qpkg gnupg -c -v
-app-crypt/gnupg-1.0.6 *
-/usr/lib/gnupg/rndunix !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/lib/gnupg/rndegd !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/lib/gnupg/tiger !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/bin/gpg !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/bin/gpgv !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/gnupg/options.skel !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/gnupg/FAQ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/gnupg/faq.html !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/info/ !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/man/man1/gpg.1.gz !md5! !mtime!
-/usr/share/man/man1/gpgv.1.gz !md5! !mtime!
-app-crypt/gnupg-1.0.7 *
-0/101 </i>
- </pre>
- <p>
- As you can see, I have more than one version of GnuPG installed. <c>qpkg</c>
- reports that many of the files from the older version have been changed since I
- installed it. Those packages were most likely modified when I updated
- from <path>gnupg-1.0.6</path> to <path>gnupg-1.0.7</path>. Note that the last two
-lines indicate
- that 0 of 101 files from <path>gnupg-1.0.7</path> have been changed since I
-installed. That
- is good. If any of them had been changed, I would be worried.
- </p>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>But Wait... There's More</title>
- <body>
- <p>
- <c>qpkg</c> can be used for other querying tasks that I will not go over here. There
-is a very complete
- manpage for <c>qpkg</c>. Consult that for more information.
- </p>
- </body>
- </section>
- <title>lintool</title>
- <section>
- <title>Introduction</title>
- <body>
- <p>
- <c>lintool</c> is a program that checks ebuild scripts for conformance to
- standards and requirements. It is important for ebuild developers to use <c>lintool</c>
- to ensure that they are doing things correctly and not requiring the core team
- to do more than they already have to in order to include the ebuild in the Gentoo
- repository.
- </p>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Use</title>
- <body>
- <p>
- Running <c>lintool</c> will produce a nicely formatted list of checks and results that
- it performs.
- </p>
- <pre>
-hebron portage # <i>lintool app-crypt/gnupg/gnupg-1.0.7.ebuild
-app-crypt/gnupg/gnupg-1.0.7.ebuild : Not OK
- Summary for all 1 ebuild(s) checked # errors/warns
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Testing for illegal space characters, weird backslash formatting : 0 / 0
- Testing for malformed headers : 0 / 1
- Testing for occurence of deprecated try : 0 / 0
- Testing for superfluous A=${P}.tar.gz : 0 / 0
- Testing for empty DEPEND : 0 / 0
- Testing for empty HOMEPAGE : 0 / 0
- Testing for empty DESCRIPTION : 0 / 0
- Testing for presence of env vars : 1 / 1
- Testing for sane USE flag usage : 0 / 0
- Total number of ebuilds with errors : 1 (100%)
- Total number of ebuilds with warnings : 1 (100%)
- </i> </pre>
- <p>
- The first line summarizes whether the ebuild is okay or not. In the case of
- <c>gnupg-1.0.7.ebuild</c>, it's not. Reading through the list of checks, we can see
- that it got a warning for malformed headers and an error for presence of env
- vars.
- </p>
- <p>
- Looking at the ebuild, I see that it is missing a couple of required
- env vars (LICENSE and RDEPEND). Adding those fixes the error. But there are
- still two warnings -- one for malformed headers and one for env vars. To help
- me find those, I can run <c>lintool</c> again with <c>--show-details</c>
- </p>
- <pre>
-hebron gnupg # <i>lintool --show-details ./gnupg-1.0.7.ebuild
-# Some data cut for brevity....
- Status for ./gnupg-1.0.7.ebuild
-* Testing for malformed headers : passed
-- (W) Has illegal or suspect headers:
- |Suspect copyright year: # Copyright 1999-2000 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
- * Testing for occurence of deprecated try : passed
- * Testing for superfluous A=${P}.tar.gz : passed
- * Testing for empty DEPEND : passed
- * Testing for empty HOMEPAGE : passed
- * Testing for empty DESCRIPTION : passed
- * Testing for presence of env vars : passed
- - (W) Missing SLOT=
- * Testing for sane USE flag usage : passed
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Summary for all 1 ebuild(s) checked # errors/warns
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Testing for illegal space characters, weird backslash formatting : 0 / 0
- Testing for malformed headers : 0 / 1
- Testing for occurence of deprecated try : 0 / 0
- Testing for superfluous A=${P}.tar.gz : 0 / 0
- Testing for empty DEPEND : 0 / 0
- Testing for empty HOMEPAGE : 0 / 0
- Testing for empty DESCRIPTION : 0 / 0
- Testing for presence of env vars : 0 / 1
- Testing for sane USE flag usage : 0 / 0
- Total number of ebuilds with errors : 0 (0%)
- Total number of ebuilds with warnings : 1 (100%)
- </i> </pre>
- <p>Now I can see that the year in the ebuild is probably wrong, and that it is
- missing the SLOT variable. Fixing those eliminates all warnings.</p>
- </body>
- </section>
- <title>epm</title>
- <section>
- <title>Introduction</title>
- <body>
- <p>
- <c>epm</c> is a package managing tool that clones Red Hat rpm commands. As it stands
- now, it does not offer all of the features of rpm, but it offers some of the more
- powerful rpm query options.
- </p>
- <p>
- It also handles removing packages, which is not covered here. Use <c>epm --help</c>
- to learn more about deleting packages with <c>epm</c>.
- </p>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Querying Packages with epm</title>
- <body>
- <p>
- <c>epm</c> functions with essentially the same command line functions as Red Hat's
- rpm. <c>epm -qa</c> lists all packages installed. <c>epm -ql</c> lists all the
- files from a specific ebuild.
- </p>
- <pre>
-hebron etc # <i>epm -ql ethereal
-/etc/ethereal/manuf </i>
- </pre>
- <p>
- <c>epm</c> offers a few advanced query options that are not present in <c>qpkg</c>
-at the
- time of this writing. For instance, it can query for just configuration files or
-just documentation
- files.
- </p>
- <pre>
-hebron etc # <i>epm -qc ethereal
-hebron etc # epm -qd ethereal
- </i> </pre>
- <note>
- <c>emp --help</c> lists the options that epm <e>will eventually</e> support. Note,
-however, that
- options prefixed with asterisks (*) are not yet implemented.
- </note>
- </body>
- </section>
- <title>Others</title>
- <section>
- <title>etc-update</title>
- <body>
- <!--
- - Feel free to add more to this. It probably deserves its own chapter, but I don't
- - use it, so I can't really write much about it.
- -->
- <p>
- <c>etc-update</c> provides a convenient alternative to updating configuration
- files by hand. After running an emerge that changes configuration files, you
- can run etc-update to step you through the process of updating all impacted
- configuration files.
- </p>
- <p>
- It is driven by a menu-based interface and includes the ability to view and merge
- in config files before deciding what to do.
- </p>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>gentool</title>
- <body>
- <p>gentool is a collective name for several small scripts that analyze ebuild
- For instance, gentool-total-coverage prints a list of email addresses and the
- number of ebuilds each has in the portage tree.
- </p>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>pkg-size</title>
- <body>
- <p><c>pkg-size</c> prints the size of the installed files in a given package.
- </p>
- <pre>
-hebron portage # <i>pkg-size nmap
-net-analyzer/nmap-2.54_beta24-r1 897024 (876KB) </i>
- </pre>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>mkebuild</title>
- <body>
- <p><c>mkebuild</c> simplifies the process of creating a new ebuild by automating as
- of the process as possible. Running <c>mkebuild [filename]</c> will create an
- ebuild for that file. the file should be an archive of some kind. As it works, it
- will provide
- feedback about changes you may need to make.
- </p>
- </body>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>emerge-webrsync</title>
- <body>
- <!-- Can't find any documentation on this anywhere... not even a comment in the
-code. -->
- <p>Downloads the daily snapshot over HTTP with wget, and (optionally) syncs with
- </p>
- </body>
- </section>