diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/livecd/profiles/rtcw-et/net-setup')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/src/livecd/profiles/rtcw-et/net-setup b/src/livecd/profiles/rtcw-et/net-setup
deleted file mode 100644
index b74ed027be..0000000000
--- a/src/livecd/profiles/rtcw-et/net-setup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-[ "$1" = "" ] && echo "net-setup: please specify a network interface" && exit 1
-[ ! -d /tmp/setup.opts ] && mkdir /tmp/setup.opts
-cd /tmp/setup.opts
-dialog --title "Network Setup" --menu "Time to set up the $1 interface! You can use DHCP to automatically configure a network interface or you can specify an IP and related settings manually. Choose one option:" 20 60 7 0 "Use DHCP to auto-detect my network settings" 1 "Specify an IP address manually" 2> ${1}.1
-mynetsel=`cat ${1}.1`
-case $mynetsel in
- /sbin/dhcpcd -t 10 ${1}
- ;;
- dialog --title "IP address" --inputbox "Please enter an IP address for $1:" 20 50 "" 2> ${1}.IP
- dialog --title "Broadcast address" --inputbox "Please enter a Broadcast address for $1:" 20 50 "" 2> ${1}.B
- dialog --title "Network mask" --inputbox "Please enter a Network Mask for $1:" 20 50 "" 2> ${1}.NM
- dialog --title "Gateway" --inputbox "Please enter a Gateway for $1 (hit enter for none:)" 20 50 2> ${1}.GW
- dialog --title "DNS server" --inputbox "Please enter a name server to use (hit enter for none:)" 20 50 2> ${1}.NS
- /sbin/ifconfig $1 `cat ${1}.IP` broadcast `cat ${1}.B` netmask `cat ${1}.NM`
- myroute=`cat ${1}.GW`
- if [ "$myroute" != "" ]
- then
- /sbin/route add default gw $myroute dev $1 netmask metric 1
- fi
- myns="`cat ${1}.NS`"
- if [ "$myns" = "" ]
- then
- : > /etc/resolv.conf
- else
- echo "nameserver $myns" > /etc/resolv.conf
- fi
- ;;
-echo "Type \"ifconfig\" to make sure the interface was configured correctly."