diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/catalyst/modules/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 575 deletions
diff --git a/src/catalyst/modules/ b/src/catalyst/modules/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ec3104f9f..0000000000
--- a/src/catalyst/modules/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-# Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2
-# Copyright 2003-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/modules/Attic/,v 1.86 2004/02/12 19:51:37 drobbins Exp $
-import os,string,imp,types,shutil
-from catalyst_support import *
-from stat import *
-class generic_target:
- def __init__(self,myspec,addlargs):
- addl_arg_parse(myspec,addlargs,self.required_values,self.valid_values)
- self.settings=myspec
- pass
-class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
- def __init__(self,myspec,addlargs):
- self.required_values.extend(["version_stamp","target","subarch","rel_type","rel_version","snapshot","source_subpath"])
- self.valid_values.extend(["version_stamp","target","subarch","rel_type","rel_version","snapshot","source_subpath"])
- generic_target.__init__(self,addlargs,myspec)
- # map the mainarch we are running under to the mainarches we support for
- # building stages and LiveCDs. (for example, on amd64, we can build stages for
- # x86 or amd64.
- targetmap={ "x86" : ["x86"],
- "amd64" : ["x86","amd64"],
- "sparc64" : ["sparc64"],
- "ia64" : ["ia64"],
- "alpha" : ["alpha"],
- "sparc" : ["sparc"],
- "ppc" : ["ppc"],
- "ppc64" : ["ppc64"],
- "hppa" : ["hppa"],
- "mips" : ["mips"]
- }
- machinemap={ "i386" : "x86",
- "i486" : "x86",
- "i586" : "x86",
- "i686" : "x86",
- "x86_64" : "amd64",
- "sparc64" : "sparc64",
- "ia64" : "ia64",
- "alpha" : "alpha",
- "sparc" : "sparc",
- "ppc" : "ppc",
- "ppc64" : "ppc64",
- "parisc" : "hppa",
- "parisc64" : "hppa",
- "mips" : "mips",
- "mips64" : "mips"
- }
- mymachine=os.uname()[4]
- if not machinemap.has_key(mymachine):
- raise CatalystError, "Unknown machine type "+mymachine
- self.settings["hostarch"]=machinemap[mymachine]
- self.archmap={}
- self.subarchmap={}
- for x in targetmap[self.settings["hostarch"]]:
- try:
- fh=open(self.settings["sharedir"]+"/arch/"+x+".py")
- #this next line loads the plugin as a module and assigns it to archmap[x]
- self.archmap[x]=imp.load_module(x,fh,"arch/"+x+".py",(".py","r",imp.PY_SOURCE))
- #this next line registers all the subarches supported in the plugin
- self.archmap[x].register(self.subarchmap)
- fh.close()
- except IOError:
- msg("Can't find "+x+".py plugin in "+self.settings["sharedir"]+"/arch/")
- #call arch constructor, pass our settings
- self.arch=self.subarchmap[self.settings["subarch"]](self.settings)
- #self.settings["mainarch"] should now be set by our arch constructor, so we print
- #a nice informational message:
- if self.settings["mainarch"]==self.settings["hostarch"]:
- print "Building natively for",self.settings["hostarch"]
- else:
- print "Building on",self.settings["hostarch"],"for alternate machine type",self.settings["mainarch"]
- self.settings["target_profile"]=self.settings["rel_type"]+"-"+self.settings["mainarch"]+"-"+self.settings["rel_version"]
- self.settings["target_subpath"]=self.settings["target_profile"]+"/"+self.settings["target"]+"-"+self.settings["subarch"]+"-"+self.settings["version_stamp"]
- st=self.settings["storedir"]
- self.settings["snapshot_path"]=st+"/snapshots/portage-"+self.settings["snapshot"]+".tar.bz2"
- if self.settings["target"] in ["grp","tinderbox"]:
- #grp creates a directory of packages and sources rather than a compressed tarball
- self.settings["target_path"]=st+"/builds/"+self.settings["target_subpath"]
- self.settings["source_path"]=st+"/builds/"+self.settings["source_subpath"]+".tar.bz2"
- elif self.settings["target"] == "livecd-stage2":
- self.settings["source_path"]=st+"/tmp/"+self.settings["source_subpath"]
- self.settings["cdroot_path"]=st+"/builds/"+self.settings["target_subpath"]
- else:
- self.settings["target_path"]=st+"/builds/"+self.settings["target_subpath"]+".tar.bz2"
- self.settings["source_path"]=st+"/builds/"+self.settings["source_subpath"]+".tar.bz2"
- self.settings["chroot_path"]=st+"/tmp/"+self.settings["target_subpath"]
- #this next line checks to make sure that the specified variables exist on disk.
- file_locate(self.settings,["source_path","snapshot_path","distdir"],expand=0)
- self.mounts=[ "/proc","/dev","/dev/pts","/usr/portage/distfiles" ]
- self.mountmap={"/proc":"/proc", "/dev":"/dev", "/dev/pts":"/dev/pts","/usr/portage/distfiles":self.settings["distdir"]}
- if self.settings.has_key("PKGCACHE"):
- self.settings["pkgcache_path"]=st+"/packages/"+self.settings["target_subpath"]
- self.mounts.append("/usr/portage/packages")
- self.mountmap["/usr/portage/packages"]=self.settings["pkgcache_path"]
- if self.settings.has_key("CCACHE"):
- if os.environ.has_key("CCACHE_DIR"):
- ccdir=os.environ["CCACHE_DIR"]
- del os.environ["CCACHE_DIR"]
- else:
- ccdir="/root/.ccache"
- if not os.path.isdir(ccdir):
- raise CatalystError,"Compiler cache support can't be enabled (can't find "+ccdir+")"
- self.mounts.append("/var/tmp/ccache")
- self.mountmap["/var/tmp/ccache"]=ccdir
- #for the chroot:
- os.environ["CCACHE_DIR"]="/var/tmp/ccache"
- if self.settings["target"]=="grp":
- self.mounts.append("/tmp/grp")
- self.mountmap["/tmp/grp"]=self.settings["target_path"]
- def mount_safety_check(self):
- mypath=self.settings["chroot_path"]
- #check and verify that none of our paths in mypath are mounted. We don't want to clean up with things still
- #mounted, and this allows us to check. returns 1 on ok, 0 on "something is still mounted" case.
- if not os.path.exists(mypath):
- return
- for x in self.mounts:
- if not os.path.exists(mypath+x):
- continue
- if ismount(mypath+x):
- #something is still mounted
- try:
- print x+" is still mounted; performing auto-bind-umount..."
- #try to umount stuff ourselves
- self.unbind()
- if ismount(mypath+x):
- raise CatalystError, "Auto-unbind failed for "+x
- else:
- print "Auto-unbind successful, continuing..."
- except CatalystError:
- raise CatalystError, "Unable to auto-unbind "+x
- def dir_setup(self):
- print "Setting up directories..."
- self.mount_safety_check()
- cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"],"Could not remove existing directory: "+self.settings["chroot_path"])
- os.makedirs(self.settings["chroot_path"])
- if self.settings.has_key("PKGCACHE"):
- if not os.path.exists(self.settings["pkgcache_path"]):
- os.makedirs(self.settings["pkgcache_path"])
- def unpack_and_bind(self):
- print "Unpacking stage tarball..."
- cmd("tar xjpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+self.settings["chroot_path"],"Error unpacking tarball")
- if self.settings["target"] not in ["livecd-stage3"]:
- #a livecd-stage2 isn't "cleaned up" so there's no need to re-extract the portage snapshot
- print "Unpacking portage tree snapshot..."
- cmd("tar xjpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr","Error unpacking snapshot")
- for x in self.mounts:
- if not os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+x):
- os.makedirs(self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
- if not os.path.exists(self.mountmap[x]):
- os.makedirs(self.mountmap[x])
- src=self.mountmap[x]
- retval=os.system("mount --bind "+src+" "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
- if retval!=0:
- self.unbind()
- raise CatalystError,"Couldn't bind mount "+src
- print "Configuring profile link..."
- cmd("rm -f "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/make.profile","Error zapping profile link")
- cmd("ln -sf ../usr/portage/profiles/"+self.settings["target_profile"]+" "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/make.profile","Error creating profile link")
- def unbind(self):
- ouch=0
- mypath=self.settings["chroot_path"]
- myrevmounts=self.mounts[:]
- myrevmounts.reverse()
- #unmount in reverse order for nested bind-mounts
- for x in myrevmounts:
- if not os.path.exists(mypath+x):
- continue
- if not ismount(mypath+x):
- #it's not mounted, continue
- continue
- retval=os.system("umount "+mypath+x)
- if retval!=0:
- ouch=1
- warn("Couldn't umount bind mount: "+mypath+x)
- #keep trying to umount the others, to minimize damage if developer makes a mistake
- if ouch:
- #if any bind mounts really failed, then we need to raise this to potentially prevent
- #an upcoming bash stage cleanup script from wiping our bind mounts.
- raise CatalystError,"Couldn't umount one or more bind-mounts; aborting for safety."
- def chroot_setup(self):
- cmd("cp /etc/resolv.conf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc","Could not copy resolv.conf into place.")
- if self.settings.has_key("ENVSCRIPT"):
- if not os.path.exists(self.settings["ENVSCRIPT"]):
- raise CatalystError, "Can't find envscript "+self.settings["ENVSCRIPT"]
- cmd("cp "+self.settings["ENVSCRIPT"]+" "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/tmp/envscript","Could not copy envscript into place.")
- cmd("rm -f "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/make.conf")
- myf=open(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/make.conf","w")
- myf.write("# These settings were set by the catalyst build script that automatically built this stage\n")
- myf.write('CFLAGS="'+self.settings["CFLAGS"]+'"\n')
- myf.write('CHOST="'+self.settings["CHOST"]+'"\n')
- myusevars=[]
- if self.settings.has_key("HOSTUSE"):
- myusevars.extend(self.settings["HOSTUSE"])
- if self.settings["target"]=="grp":
- myusevars.append("bindist")
- myusevars.extend(self.settings["grp/use"])
- elif self.settings["target"]=="tinderbox":
- myusevars.extend(self.settings["tinderbox/use"])
- elif self.settings["target"]=="livecd-stage1":
- myusevars.extend(self.settings["livecd/use"])
- myf.write('USE="'+string.join(myusevars)+'"\n')
- if self.settings.has_key("CXXFLAGS"):
- myf.write('CXXFLAGS="'+self.settings["CXXFLAGS"]+'"\n')
- else:
- myf.write('CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"\n')
- myf.close()
- def clean(self):
- destpath=self.settings["chroot_path"]
- cleanables=["/etc/resolv.conf","/var/tmp/*","/tmp/*","/root/*"]
- if self.settings["target"] not in ["livecd-stage2"]:
- #we don't need to clean up a livecd-stage2
- cleanables.append("/usr/portage")
- if self.settings["target"]=="stage1":
- destpath+="/tmp/stage1root"
- #this next stuff can eventually be integrated into the python and glibc ebuilds themselves (USE="build"):
- cleanables.extend(["/usr/share/gettext","/usr/lib/python2.2/test","/usr/lib/python2.2/encodings","/usr/lib/python2.2/email","/usr/lib/python2.2/lib-tk","/usr/share/zoneinfo"])
- for x in cleanables:
- print "Cleaning chroot: "+x+"..."
- cmd("rm -rf "+destpath+x,"Couldn't clean "+x)
- if self.settings["target"]=="livecd-stage2":
- if self.settings.has_key("livecd/empty"):
- if type(self.settings["livecd/empty"])==types.StringType:
- self.settings["livecd/empty"]=[self.settings["livecd/empty"]]
- for x in self.settings["livecd/empty"]:
- myemp=self.settings["chroot_path"]+x
- if not os.path.isdir(myemp):
- print x,"not a directory or does not exist, skipping 'empty' operation."
- continue
- print "Emptying directory",x
- #stat the dir, delete the dir, recreate the dir and set the proper perms and ownership
- mystat=os.stat(myemp)
- shutil.rmtree(myemp)
- os.makedirs(myemp)
- os.chown(myemp,mystat[ST_UID],mystat[ST_GID])
- os.chmod(myemp,mystat[ST_MODE])
- if self.settings.has_key("livecd/rm"):
- if type(self.settings["livecd/rm"])==types.StringType:
- self.settings["livecd/rm"]=[self.settings["livecd/rm"]]
- for x in self.settings["livecd/rm"]:
- #we're going to shell out for all these cleaning operations, so we get easy glob handling
- print "livecd: removing "+x
- os.system("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
- if self.settings["target"]!="livecd-stage2":
- cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["sharedir"]+"/targets/"+self.settings["target"]+"/"+self.settings["target"]+".sh clean","clean script failed.")
- def preclean(self):
- try:
- cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["sharedir"]+"/targets/"+self.settings["target"]+"/"+self.settings["target"]+".sh preclean","preclean script failed.")
- except:
- self.unbind()
- raise
- def capture(self):
- """capture target in a tarball"""
- mypath=self.settings["target_path"].split("/")
- #remove filename from path
- mypath=string.join(mypath[:-1],"/")
- #now make sure path exists
- if not os.path.exists(mypath):
- os.makedirs(mypath)
- print "Creating stage tarball..."
- if self.settings["target"]=="stage1":
- cmd("tar cjf "+self.settings["target_path"]+" -C "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/tmp/stage1root .","Couldn't create stage tarball")
- else:
- cmd("tar cjf "+self.settings["target_path"]+" -C "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+" .","Couldn't create stage tarball")
- def run_local(self):
- try:
- cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["sharedir"]+"/targets/"+self.settings["target"]+"/"+self.settings["target"]+".sh run","build script failed")
- except CatalystError:
- self.unbind()
- raise CatalystError,"Stage build aborting due to error."
- def run(self):
- self.dir_setup()
- self.unpack_and_bind()
- try:
- self.chroot_setup()
- except:
- self.unbind()
- raise
- #modify the current environment. This is an ugly hack that should be fixed. We need this
- #to use the os.system() call since we can't specify our own environ:
- for x in self.settings.keys():
- #"/" is replaced with "_", "-" is also replaced with "_"
- varname="clst_"+string.replace(x,"/","_")
- varname=string.replace(varname,"-","_")
- if type(self.settings[x])==types.StringType:
- #prefix to prevent namespace clashes:
- os.environ[varname]=self.settings[x]
- elif type(self.settings[x])==types.ListType:
- os.environ[varname]=string.join(self.settings[x])
- self.run_local()
- if self.settings["target"] in ["stage1","stage2","stage3","livecd-stage2"]:
- self.preclean()
- if self.settings["target"] in ["livecd-stage2"]:
- self.unmerge()
- self.unbind()
- if self.settings["target"] in ["stage1","stage2","stage3","livecd-stage2"]:
- #clean is for removing things after bind-mounts are unmounted (general file removal and cleanup)
- self.clean()
- if self.settings["target"] in ["stage1","stage2","stage3"]:
- self.capture()
- if self.settings["target"] in ["livecd-stage2"]:
- self.cdroot_setup()
-class snapshot_target(generic_target):
- def __init__(self,myspec,addlargs):
- self.required_values=["version_stamp","target"]
- self.valid_values=["version_stamp","target"]
- generic_target.__init__(self,myspec,addlargs)
- self.settings=myspec
- self.settings["target_subpath"]="portage-"+self.settings["version_stamp"]
- st=self.settings["storedir"]
- self.settings["snapshot_path"]=st+"/snapshots/"+self.settings["target_subpath"]+".tar.bz2"
- self.settings["tmp_path"]=st+"/tmp/"+self.settings["target_subpath"]
- def setup(self):
- x=self.settings["storedir"]+"/snapshots"
- if not os.path.exists(x):
- os.makedirs(x)
- def run(self):
- self.setup()
- print "Creating Portage tree snapshot "+self.settings["version_stamp"]+" from "+self.settings["portdir"]+"..."
- mytmp=self.settings["tmp_path"]
- if os.path.exists(mytmp):
- cmd("rm -rf "+mytmp,"Could not remove existing directory: "+mytmp)
- os.makedirs(mytmp)
- cmd("rsync -a --exclude /packages/ --exclude /distfiles/ --exclude CVS/ "+self.settings["portdir"]+"/ "+mytmp+"/portage/","Snapshot failure")
- print "Compressing Portage snapshot tarball..."
- cmd("tar cjf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage","Snapshot creation failure")
- self.cleanup()
- def cleanup(self):
- print "Cleaning up temporary snapshot directory..."
- #Be a good citizen and clean up after ourselves
- cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["tmp_path"],"Snapshot cleanup failure")
-class stage1_target(generic_stage_target):
- def __init__(self,spec,addlargs):
- self.required_values=[]
- self.valid_values=[]
- generic_stage_target.__init__(self,spec,addlargs)
-class stage2_target(generic_stage_target):
- def __init__(self,spec,addlargs):
- self.required_values=[]
- self.valid_values=[]
- generic_stage_target.__init__(self,spec,addlargs)
-class stage3_target(generic_stage_target):
- def __init__(self,spec,addlargs):
- self.required_values=[]
- self.valid_values=[]
- generic_stage_target.__init__(self,spec,addlargs)
-class grp_target(generic_stage_target):
- def __init__(self,spec,addlargs):
- self.required_values=["version_stamp","target","subarch","rel_type","rel_version","snapshot","source_subpath"]
- self.valid_values=self.required_values[:]
- if not addlargs.has_key("grp"):
- raise CatalystError,"Required value \"grp\" not specified in spec."
- self.required_values.extend(["grp","grp/use"])
- for x in addlargs["grp"]:
- self.required_values.append("grp/"+x+"/packages")
- self.required_values.append("grp/"+x+"/type")
- generic_stage_target.__init__(self,spec,addlargs)
- def run_local(self):
- for pkgset in self.settings["grp"]:
- #example call: " run pkgset cd1 xmms vim sys-apps/gleep"
- mypackages=list_bashify(self.settings["grp/"+pkgset+"/packages"])
- try:
- cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["sharedir"]+"/targets/grp/ run "+self.settings["grp/"+pkgset+"/type"]+" "+pkgset+" "+mypackages)
- except CatalystError:
- self.unbind()
- raise CatalystError,"GRP build aborting due to error."
-class tinderbox_target(generic_stage_target):
- def __init__(self,spec,addlargs):
- self.required_values=["tinderbox/packages","tinderbox/use"]
- self.valid_values=self.required_values[:]
- generic_stage_target.__init__(self,spec,addlargs)
- def run_local(self):
- #tinderbox
- #example call: " run xmms vim sys-apps/gleep"
- try:
- cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["sharedir"]+"/targets/tinderbox/ run "+list_bashify(self.settings["tinderbox/packages"]))
- except CatalystError:
- self.unbind()
- raise CatalystError,"Tinderbox aborting due to error."
-class livecd_stage1_target(generic_stage_target):
- def __init__(self,spec,addlargs):
- self.required_values=["livecd/packages","livecd/use"]
- self.valid_values=self.required_values[:]
- generic_stage_target.__init__(self,spec,addlargs)
- def run_local(self):
- mypack=list_bashify(self.settings["livecd/packages"])
- try:
- cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["sharedir"]+"/targets/livecd-stage1/ run "+mypack)
- except CatalystError:
- self.unbind()
- raise CatalystError,"GRP build aborting due to error."
-class livecd_stage2_target(generic_stage_target):
- def __init__(self,spec,addlargs):
- self.required_values=["boot/kernel","livecd/cdfstype","livecd/archscript","livecd/runscript"]
- self.valid_values=[]
- if not addlargs.has_key("boot/kernel"):
- raise CatalystError, "Required value boot/kernel not specified."
- if type(addlargs["boot/kernel"]) == types.StringType:
- loopy=[addlargs["boot/kernel"]]
- else:
- loopy=addlargs["boot/kernel"]
- for x in loopy:
- self.required_values.append("boot/kernel/"+x+"/sources")
- self.required_values.append("boot/kernel/"+x+"/config")
- self.valid_values.append("boot/kernel/"+x+"/extraversion")
- self.valid_values.append("boot/kernel/"+x+"/packages")
- self.valid_values.append("boot/kernel/"+x+"/use")
- self.valid_values.extend(self.required_values)
- self.valid_values.extend(["livecd/cdtar","livecd/empty","livecd/rm","livecd/unmerge"])
- generic_stage_target.__init__(self,spec,addlargs)
- file_locate(self.settings, ["livecd/cdtar","livecd/archscript","livecd/runscript"])
- def unpack_and_bind(self):
- if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]):
- print "Removing previously-existing livecd-stage2 chroot directory..."
- cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"],"Error removing livecd-stage2 chroot")
- os.makedirs(self.settings["chroot_path"])
- print "Copying livecd-stage1 result to new livecd-stage2 work directory..."
- cmd("cp -a "+self.settings["source_path"]+"/* "+self.settings["chroot_path"],"Error copying initial livecd-stage2")
- for x in self.mounts:
- if not os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+x):
- os.makedirs(self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
- if not os.path.exists(self.mountmap[x]):
- os.makedirs(self.mountmap[x])
- src=self.mountmap[x]
- retval=os.system("mount --bind "+src+" "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
- if retval!=0:
- self.unbind()
- raise CatalystError,"Couldn't bind mount "+src
- print "Configuring profile link..."
- cmd("rm -f "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/make.profile","Error zapping profile link")
- cmd("ln -sf ../usr/portage/profiles/"+self.settings["target_profile"]+" "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/make.profile","Error creating profile link")
- def unmerge(self):
- if self.settings.has_key("livecd/unmerge"):
- if type(self.settings["livecd/unmerge"])==types.StringType:
- self.settings["livecd/unmerge"]=[self.settings["livecd/unmerge"]]
- myunmerge=self.settings["livecd/unmerge"][:]
- for x in range(0,len(myunmerge)):
- #surround args with quotes for passing to bash, allows things like "<" to remain intact
- myunmerge[x]="'"+myunmerge[x]+"'"
- myunmerge=string.join(myunmerge)
- #before cleaning, unmerge stuff:
- try:
- cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["sharedir"]+"/targets/"+self.settings["target"]+"/ "+myunmerge,"unmerge script failed.")
- except CatalystError:
- self.unbind()
- raise
- def clean(self):
- generic_stage_target.clean(self)
- try:
- cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["livecd/runscript"]+" clean","clean runscript failed.")
- except:
- self.unbind()
- raise
- def preclean(self):
- try:
- cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["livecd/runscript"]+" preclean","preclean runscript failed.")
- except:
- self.unbind()
- raise
- def cdroot_setup(self):
- cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["livecd/runscript"]+" cdfs","cdfs runscript failed.")
- print "livecd-stage3: complete!"
- def run_local(self):
- #first clean up any existing cdroot stuff
- if os.path.exists(self.settings["cdroot_path"]):
- print "cleaning previous livecd-stage2 build"
- cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["cdroot_path"],"Could not remove existing directory: "+self.settings["cdroot_path"])
- os.makedirs(self.settings["cdroot_path"])
- #now, start building the kernel
- mynames=self.settings["boot/kernel"]
- if type(mynames)==types.StringType:
- mynames=[mynames]
- args=[]
- args.append(`len(mynames)`)
- for kname in mynames:
- args.append(kname)
- args.append(self.settings["boot/kernel/"+kname+"/sources"])
- if not os.path.exists(self.settings["boot/kernel/"+kname+"/config"]):
- self.unbind()
- raise CatalystError, "Can't find kernel config: "+self.settings["boot/kernel/"+kname+"/config"]
- # We must support multiple configs for the same kernel, so we must manually edit the
- # EXTRAVERSION on the kernel to allow them to coexist. The extraversion field gets appended
- # to the current EXTRAVERSION in the kernel Makefile. Examples of this usage are UP vs SMP kernels,
- # and on PPC64 we need a seperate pSeries, iSeries, and PPC970 (G5) kernels, all compiled off the
- # same source, without having to release a seperate livecd for each (since other than the kernel,
- # they are all binary compatible)
- if self.settings.has_key("boot/kernel/"+kname+"/extraversion"):
- #extraversion is now an optional parameter, so that don't need to worry about it unless
- #they have to
- args.append(self.settings["boot/kernel/"+kname+"/extraversion"])
- else:
- #this value will be detected on the bash side and indicate that EXTRAVERSION processing
- #should be skipped
- args.append("NULL_VALUE")
- #write out /var/tmp/kname.(use|packages) files, used for kernel USE and extra packages settings
- for extra in ["use","packages"]:
- if self.settings.has_key("boot/kernel/"+kname+"/"+extra):
- myex=self.settings["boot/kernel/"+kname+"/"+extra]
- if type(myex)==types.ListType:
- myex=string.join(myex)
- try:
- myf=open(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/var/tmp/"+kname+"."+extra,"w")
- except:
- self.unbind()
- raise CatalystError,"Couldn't create file /var/tmp/"+kname+"."+extra+" in chroot."
- if extra=="use":
- myf.write("export USE=\""+myex+"\"\n")
- else:
- myf.write(myex+"\n")
- myf.close
- retval=os.system("cp "+self.settings["boot/kernel/"+kname+"/config"]+" "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/var/tmp/"+kname+".config")
- if retval!=0:
- self.unbind()
- raise CatalystError, "Couldn't copy kernel config: "+self.settings["boot/kernel/"+kname+"/config"]
- try:
- cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["livecd/runscript"]+" kernel "+list_bashify(args),"runscript kernel build failed")
- cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["livecd/runscript"]+" bootloader","bootloader runscript failed.")
- except CatalystError:
- self.unbind()
- raise CatalystError,"runscript aborting due to error."
-def register(foo):
- foo.update({"stage1":stage1_target,"stage2":stage2_target,"stage3":stage3_target,
- "grp":grp_target,"livecd-stage1":livecd_stage1_target,
- "livecd-stage2":livecd_stage2_target,
- "snapshot":snapshot_target,"tinderbox":tinderbox_target})
- return foo